Chapter 28

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After another night of waiting the same six was able to enter the castle through the main gates. How can that be? They were outlaw?! Sike they are too cool to get caught.

Also, the fact they ambushed a few of the goons and take their clothing. So now they could waltz through the gates with less caution and more focus. It was all Kai's idea. The six teammates now stand before the grim castle.

"Great idea with the costumes Kai! I guess you do have a brain" Sentry teases earning a glare for Kai. "Now all we have to do is figure out how to save the princess without causing a ruckus..."

"Hey, no fighting you two. We're here to save (y/n) and take back the kingdom for the people" Jay states glaring up at the menacing building. The rest knew how serious the problem at hand was.

Walking through that gates was a much easier task. Getting to the throne room or the King's private study was much harder. Or to even find (y/n) at all in this large castle. Once stepping foot into the entryway, they went down to work.

Each of them separated into teams of two to spread the search faster; Lloyd/Zane, Jay/Kai, and Cole/Sentry. Taking different parts of the castle they went in hopes of finding the girl much faster.


After what it seems like hours Kai and Jay stumble upon an old room just off at the back of the castle. At first, they didn't want to enter but something told them to do it. And so they did.

It was a basic bedroom with (f/c) color walls that were painted with beautiful murals. The bed was in the off in the corner away from the balcony and had shelves of trinkets. Both of them had a strange feeling it of familiarity with this room. Before they could even leave the room a large thud freezes their movement.

"What exactly are you two doing here? I thought you two should have respect to never snoop around in unknown territory" a familiar voice ask as it echos throughout the room. Both soon turn to see the female leaning against the door. "I should really hell Desdemona's goons that you got in but I'm sure I can handle two children."

Kai narrows his eyes while Jay held a face of surprise. He never heard the girl's tone of pure disgust toward him. Jay didn't have words as he opens his mouth but nothing comes out at all. It was like he was frozen as (Y/n) steps toward them with a hidden blade.

Just as she was in attacking distance a blade was already pointed to her throat causing her to stop in her tracks. The blue ninja's eyes widen as Kai stands in front of him with his sword ready toward the female. She stayed stoic as she seems to be studying their next move.

"We know that you've been poisoned (Y/n). Whatever that damn spider did to you we just know that the venom is in your veins. Please let us help you...we are here to save you and you can come back. You can help us overthrow the spider and bring peace to your kingdom...Don't you want that?" Kai asks with caution while (Y/n) just blankly stares right back at him. "Don't you want your father's legacy to continue rather than end?"

(Y/n) looks at him with a glare at the mention of her father. It was of course a touchy subject but it had to be done. Kai knew he would be stepping into his boundaries but for the sake of the team and Jay's weak was done.

"Don't mention my father's legacy or even my father. He was a foolish man and I don't want to even follow in his footsteps. Just the thought of it disgust me" (y/n) replies with a genuine disgusted face. This shock the two as they knew (y/n) loved and followed his beliefs full-heartedly.

A Bolt of Love | Jay x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now