Fall (Luke Hemmings)

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new fanfic i'm pretty excited about. bear with me while i figure out wattpad lol

It's always darkest before the dawn. Or so Florence and the Machine say, but I honestly don't think that's true at all, because my life is pretty dark right now. Three months ago, I tried to commit suicide, and nobody knew except the hospital and my medical records. I had been estranged from my foster family for three years after The Incident, and I had no idea where my real family was. Dead, or in jail, or rich, I didn't care. They weren't here, and that was all that really mattered, right?

I swept my long dark hair off to the side, biting my lip as I filled out job application for a psychologist's aid.

Name? Scarlett Johansenn.

Age? 19. 20.

Education? This is the hardest one to fake, since technically I dropped out of college sophomore year when I could pay for it anymore. College degree in psychology with a minor in linguistics. Not at all probable, but I just needed someone to back me up, which luckily I had someone that owed me a favor.

"Ms. Johansenn, if you've finished filling out the form, you may give it to me and be on your way." I realized I had been sitting here for at least ten minutes chewing on my pen as I pondered whether this was believable. I needed this job, more than the fat middle aged man on my left or the older woman with a blonde bob. Sighing, I pull myself up out of the hard plastic chair and hand my forms to the receptionist, who is  impatiently tapping her heel-clad foot.


Pulling out of the parking lot on my bike--yes, my bike--I considered the likelihood of actually getting that job. There was a small chance, but if I didn't start paying my bills soon, then I would get chucked out of the skeevy flat I was currently renting.

It came into my view as I pedaled up the hill, ivy-covered walls and permanently stained windows glaring at me. No matter how long I lived here, I sighed as I wrenched the door open, this place will never feel like home.

Because it was a flat, I couldn't technically paint it, and I didn't have the money anyways. I ate so little to save money for rent that I needed a belt to hold up all of my jeans, and I only owned one dress. The only jewelry worth anything was clasped securely around my pale neck; a key locket with a picture of me and my mum. Shivering, and remembering regretfully the warmth of my foster families house, I sink onto my couch and pull a blanket around me.

I settle in for yet another l o n g night.

Luke's POV

"Get the fuck away from me!" I scream furiously at my step-dad, Charlie, as he nears me with my pills and a glass of water. This whole process is achingly familiar. My mum comes home either at three in the morning drunk, or six in the morning ready to hit me. Then, she and Charlie hook up in their bedroom like I'm not three doors away, and she convinces Charlie to give me my pills. He spends an hour attempting to coax them into me before words turn to screams and consoling turns to punches.

"You know what, Luke? I don't think you should be all that fucking worried about me too much longer. Mary was just talking about how much she would love to send you away. Preferably to rehab far, far away." He spits. I nearly recoil in shock before schooling my features into indifference.

"We both know the only reason you two are living like richies is because of the money my dad sends cause of the law. You need me to keep getting checks. So fuck off, Charlie." His beady eyes narrow at me, smiling cruelly and shaking his head roughly before slamming the door behind him.

An hour later, I haul myself out of the world of darkness and music to go to my shrink appointment. Court required. My shrink, Dr. Hopstik, doesn't actually annoy me, which surprises me, because people in general usually do. Although,  this could be because he always seems to suffer from a lack of sleep and doesn't want to waste an hour of his life talking to a fucked-up kid who doesn't want to be there.

If I was allowed to move out of my mum's house, I would, but she keeps me there. Not out of any love or anything, but because as long as I live in her house, my dad sends large checks to ensure he'll never see me.

One month. One month and I'm free, I'm 18.

hi guys, hoep you like this :) obviously this isn't luke's actual family, lol


love ya babes


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