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As Ms. Mailly pulled me away from the strange boy, I turned back to look at him. He was tall, even taller than me, and has his blonde hair combed up under a black beanie. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a black Arctic Monkeys t-shirt, which I appreciated.

His eyes glared at me furiously as I was yanked away, and I found myself wondering why he was here and why he was angry at me. I mean, if he was angry to begin with I would understand, but he didn't seem irritated when we were talking; a little morose and gruesome I wouldn't argue with, but not angry. I sighed, turning away and focusing back on where we were.

"That's the psych ward, but you won't be working in there or even going in there, as the only doctors have their characters rigorously tested. This," She spoke proudly, flourishing her hand, "Is the main office. This is Dr. Wills." I looked up to meet the eyes of an elderly man with greying hair and a large stomach. He was short and had deep blue eyes. While I was normally cautious around older men, I didn't get a particularly dangerous vibe off of him, more like a grandfatherly vibe.

"Hello, Ms. Johansenn. I hear you will be my new assistant doctor." I blinked in surprise, the job application said 'Files Manager'. I had zero knowledge in psychology except for my own experiences, which I didn't think would necessarily help. I turned to Ms. Mailly, but she avoided my eyes.

I needed this job. Badly. "Um, of course, Dr., uh, Wills." I stuttered.

He smiled and led me around a corner to a small desk with a computer, some office supplies, and a swiveling chair. "This is your desk. Not nearly as big as mine, I fear, but owning an office does have its perks." Far from sounding conceited, he holds a joking but softly proud tone, and I hesitantly return his smile with what might  be considered a pleasant expression.

He claps his hands, startling me. "Now, then, I do believe we have a patient coming in," He checks his watch, "five minutes. Patient confidentiality is as it sounds, we do not reveal any of our patients information to anyone, not boyfriends, family, friends." I almost chuckle at the irony. There's no worry of that, I have no one. "You will record what the patient says, but until you have my permission, you will not ask questions nor will you add any input. Not unless I ask you." I nod.

"And finally, you are not to have any romantic relations with any of the patients. Is any of this a problem, Ms. Johansenn?" He finishes questioningly.

"No, Doctor. I'm very good at following rules." I smile. Lie.

"Then, I believe it is time for the first session. The patient's name is Luke Hemmings, his parents are divorced, we believe that he has self-harmed and, while he is possibly in an abusive setting, we cannot breach patient confidentiality and report this." I choke back a rush of anger and force a stiff nod. "Very well."

The door opens, Ms. Mailly ushering in a tall boy wearing all black...the boy I talked to outside. Or, rather, Luke. I test it out in my head. Luke Hemmings...

"Hello, Luke. How are you today?"

"Just peachy." Shit. A minute in, and i'm already choking back a giggle. I can tell that Luke is sarcastic and has a morbid sense of humor, just like me.

"Luke, this is a safe setting. We want you to be able to talk to us here. And not hold anything back." Dr. Wills tests.

"I'm sure it is. And I'm sure you do." It would definitely be inappropriate to laugh. Dr. Wills turns to make sure I am recording everything, and I hold up my clipboard in response.

"Why is she in here? Isn't this meeting confidential?" Luke questions, mussing up his blonde hair and turning to pierce me yet again with his masked eyes.

"She's learning and has agreed to the patient confidentiality agreement." He nods sharply, and Dr. Wills returns to questioning Luke.

Question after question. And while I learn that Luke is about as sarcastic as me, has a morbid sense of humor, and likes penguins, I don't learn anything particularly deep or meaningful  about him. He evades every question, and ignores any attempts to delve deeper than the surface.

I find myself wondering how Dr. Wills does it, how he doesn't jump up and shout at Luke, as I am barely restraining myself at this point. By  the time the session is over, Luke's face is strained, and i'm sure my face is red.

"Scarlett, will you show Mr. Hemmings out while I just gather my things?" Dr. Wills asks, and while I don't think I can handle another second with this boy, I nod and lead him out. We walk out into the cold hallway, with white walls aand white tiles and those silly, stupid posters. It's even more silent and awkward than it was in Dr. Wills office, so I cast about for something to talk about.

"Um, Luke, h-how old are you?" I stutter. Of all the stupid questions to ask, this is one of the highest  on the list. He cocks his head towards me as if considering to actually answer, and I can't help it. I chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Laughter bubbles out of my mouth, causing Luke to purse his lips and raise his eyebrows.

"It's's just, of all the things to not want to answer, age isn't what I expected. can't even tell me your god damn age!" I gasp, knowing how unprofessional this is and not being able to stop it. His face hardens, and he starts to turn around and walk away. I grab his arm, pulling him back.

"i'm sorry. It's just my nerves. First day, and shit. Um, i'm nineteen," I whisper, lowering my voice, "but you can't tell anyone. I'm technically maybe supposed to be 20." I wink at him, but he just turns away and walks out the doors, letting it fall shut behind him and leaving me standing there like an idiot.

Two hours later, my day is finally over. To be honest, I both love it and hate it here. I love it because i'm finally doing something, and I get to help people while I'm at it, and I hate it because of how much the people remind me of myself.

I open the employee door, shivering and wrapping my arms around myself in attempt to make up for my lack of coat. I can hear someone talking in the distance, but when the talking turns to screaming, I wander around the front of the building to investigate, because I'm the nosiest person in the world.

I turn the corner, and Luke's tall form comes into view.

"Mom, you were supposed to be here two fucking hours ago! I told you this, why can't you listen!" He shouts, and I'm close enough to hear the reply, which makes my blood boil.

"Luke, it's bad enough I have to waste your father's money on buying food and clothes for you, can't you find your own god damn transportation?"

"The money is for me, Mom. It's supposed to be spent paying for food and clothes, it's not my fault you blow it on booze and vacations."

"FIND YOUR OWN CAR RIDE HOME, LUKE! I will not stand for that tone of voice with me!" She must have hung up, because he pulls the phone away from his face, a blank expression on his face. I can't help but notice how beautiful he is. The tall, skinny frame only makes him more attractive with his blonde hair and blue eyes.

I clear my throat, letting him know that I'm here. He whips around, fury in his eyes.

"What the fuck do you want?" He demands angrily, raising his hand towards my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2014 ⏰

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