Years later

11 3 3

A few years later.....

News report

Evelyn Black
Murder of several muggles and muggle borns.
Believed to be a death eater
One of the most loyal servant of you-know-who closely behind Bellatrix Lestrange

Evelyn's p.o.v

Stupid filthy mudbloods.  They ruin our world today.  Muggles and wizards were born to be seperate. 

As soon as I graduated from Hogwarts, I became a loyal servant to The Dark Lord. I kill many mudbloods on a day to day basis. 

I feel my dark mark burning....this means that the Dark Lord wants me. 

I appear in a field with a couple of The dark lords closest followers.

"We have gathered here today to discusss the problems with the minestry.  They have once again been discussing the rights of muggles and how they are so called 'not so different from us pure blood wizards" at this everyone, including me burst out laughing.

"FOOLS" yelled Voldemort, which brought everyone to silence.

"So we now need to show the ministry who is really in control, and force the minister to believe in pureblood superiority by committing a mass murder, Bellatrix and Evelyn will lead and everyone else can follow behind"

And within minutes, we are flying off.




Sorry I haven't been updating recently I will try to post an update every two weeks. -__-

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