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"Things will never change for people like us." Aelin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius whispered to her son as he fell asleep in her arms. Alec Galathynius was seven years old and ridiculously tired from running around all day with Ahren Havilliard. Alec's light blonde hair was sticky with sweat and he smelled rotten but Aelin felt her heart swell with love every time she looked at him. It was hard sometimes knowing that one day she would look the exact same age as her son, that he wouldn't remain a little boy forever but Aelin quickly flipped away that thought since Rowan was completely adversed to the idea of their children growing up. She remember the day that Alec was born. All of the kingdom rejoiced at the green eyed baby who brought so much joy to them all. Aelin had lain in her bed, tired yet overjoyed at the prospect of having a child. Rowan was the more emotional of the two. The moment it was announced that Alec was born he started crying and sank to the ground in tears. Rowan was only more emotional when they beat the odds and had a second child. Nehemia Lyria Galathynius was beautiful baby with dirty blonde hair and Ashryver eyes if you ever did see them. Mia as she was called was a bright and energetic baby with a big smile. Aelin loved her family. She loved her mate and husband. She loved her children. She loved her life as a leader. But Aelin kept on feeling like the hammer was about to drop. That something bad was going to occur and she needed to fix the problem as soon as possible. Aelin kissed her son on the forehead and walked out of the room shaking her troubles aside, at least for the time being.

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