Untitled Part 15

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Third Attorney:

 I believe his name was McArthy (don't hold me to this). He had his office on South High St in Columbus, in a one story brick building. I went by myself the first time. The Hospital attorney had filed a motion with the court to dismiss someone, or something similar. Having no attorney, I filed a response. He asked me who had done it, and I told him it was me. He was really impressed. We talked about my case for several hours, and he told me to bring my wife with me the next week. We arrived, and he told us that he would take our case, and go after Dr. Bachman  only. He said the he was going to "build a wall between us and the hospital". We asked him what he meant, and he told us he would go after Dr.Bachman (who incidentally, sold his neurology business and moved to South Carolina, as soon as he found out we were suing him, without even telling his own attorney), but we would have to sign papers that we would never try to pursue any action against any of the other defendants, and that he would be getting a settlement for Brett only, to take care of him for the rest of his life. Lee and I were quite stunned with his proposal, and we objected, because he was already in a place that was doing the same thing. He suddenly flew into a rage, calling us both crazy, telling us he was going to charge us for his time, and to get out of his office ! Never saw a person act this irrational before in my life !

There was a good reason why we couldn't find an attorney to take our case. If we had just sued Dr Bachman, there probably would have been a settlement. But when hospital administration got involved (Paul Greive, in house attorney), the ballgame changed completely. Not an attorney in Columbus could afford the unlimited funds available from  Coca Cola and Children's.

 Fourth attorney: Don't even remember his name, but he said he would stop by the courthouse, and go over our records. He called us a few days later, and said that he had gone to the courthouse, and found our entire file, "shuffled like a deck of cards", and couldn't make any sense of it. That was the last time we even tried.It took a while, but I finally figured out why we were having such a hard time finding an attorney, that would stand to make a small fortune if they had taken the case. Any rational person, would assume that Coca Cola and Children's, would be pointing their fingers at each other for causing Brett's brain damage, right ? Wrong. They had the same attorney! Try to imagine how many millions it would have cost Coke, if the public found out that their product caused severe brain damage to an eight year old boy. Coke and Chilfren's literally had unlimited combined funds to squash this case, and all the attorneys knew it, after making just one call to the hospital attorney, Tom Taggart, which is common between attorneys to discuss the suit.. Ill talk about the -----------------------------------; the ----------------------------------; a couple of State senators, and the judge that found no probable cause to try Bachman, and then seal ALL the court records (Can't be unsealed), even those BEFORE he became involved in the case, in the next chapter.

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