// P r o l o g u e \\

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The house was silent, the dog wasn't barking, the birds weren't chirping, and Violet wasn't overcrowding her mind with thoughts.

She laid on the bed, feeling the warm embrace of the sheets in the winter. When she looked ahead, the sheets were mountains, the blankets were different shapes and sizes, they weren't neatly placed on her bed anymore.

The sun was peeking through the shades, created a dust of sunlight that floated throughout the room. The ray of sunlight highlighted the dust particles that flew in the room, dancing from the floor to the walls slowly.

Violet turned over the face the wall of her bedroom, scrunching up all the covers to roll herself into them, trying to exclude all the cold that tried to break the barrier of warmth.

Her hair was a big mop on the pillow. She whiffed the honey and Aragon oil shampoo she had used, and ran her hand through her hair. Being too lazy, she left her hand in her hair, now looking at the hair tie around her wrist.  

She took in a deep breath, then sighing afterwards as she felt the sun hit her back, starting to make her warm.

She groaned, moving farther into the island of sheets as she closed her eyes shut, feeling them water as she tried to go back to sleep. But the method almost never worked, she was up, and her body wasn't gonna let her sleep.

She sat up in bed, feeling the comforter shift as she rested her head against the wall, her droopy eyes sagging as she rubbed them. She stretched as she groaned, taking a deep breath as the cold air tickled the surface of her skin.

She jumped out of bed, making the process from going to warm sheets, to the cold winter air of her apartment virtually painless. She readjusted her knee socks and slid on her slippers.

She sluggishly walked to the bathroom, and hit the lights absentmindedly with the back of her hand as she sighed, rubbing her eyes once more as flakes of mascara fell onto her cheeks. She grabbed her toothbrush and put toothpaste on it, brushing her teeth as she grabbed the hair tie from her wrist and put her hair in a messy bun.

When she looked into the mirror, her eyes were a bit swollen, her cheeks flushed from being warm, and her blonde hair had strays of hair escaping her bun. Her eyes a dark grey as she sighed, spitting into the sink as she walked out.

She walked past the living room and into the kitchen as she opened the cabinet. The house had barely any food expect for a stale box on mini wheats that she settled for.

As she watched the small little granules of cereal rain down into the bowl, she started to feel her eyes droop again, resulting in her dropping the box.

She groaned loudly, waking up her dog Alice, as the dog growled at the door.

"What now?" Violet said hoarsely under her breath as she leaned down to pick up the empty box, throwing it in the garage can.

Her spine cracked a bit as she leaned back up, almost loosing her balance as she stumbled forward, her socks slipping on the tile as she bit her lip.

The sleeves of her sweatshirt came past her hands as she gripped them tightly, she saw Alice barking at the door, sitting down on the carpet as tried quickly jumping at the door handle.

Violet approached the door, patting Alice on the head as she whistled, causing Alice to bolt into the kitchen and sit by her cage, bouncing back and forth rapidly like a bean.

Violet opened the door and saw the mailman smiling at her, but Violet just kept a straight face, which made the mailman's smile quickly turn into a look of disapproval.

"Are you Violet De Jäger?" He asked, saying her last name a few times before finally getting it right, squinting at the white envelope as she groaned, signifying a yes

"Whelp- then here you go ma'am! Have a nice rest of the morning!" He said cheerily, passing her the white envelope as she backed away, shutting the door in his face grumpily as the cold wind brushed her back. The sunlight from the door was now closed off, yet started to sneak through the blinds.

Alice started running towards her and jumping on her legs as she looked at the envelope, quickly turning it over to reveal the address of the location, trying to ignore Alice who was trying to get at the envelope

When she looked at the envelope, she felt her eyes starting to well up as her jaw was opened slightly, a small breathy laugh started to slip out as she finally slipped into a smile

Parsons School Of Art

She tore open the envelope as he stomach sucked in, she could barely even breathe. Her mouth was dry and her and Alice were now exchanging looks that now left her head tilted to the side and her eyes glassy

Congratulations student

"Al- I've been, accepted"

Hope you enjoyed that little prologue! This is going to be extremely artsy so I hope you enjoy! Please follow my besties Kara_Lewandowska , BeyHiveForLife , mrsasensio , fthiss , hi_dee , and alcantara-

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