Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

"Happy Birthday Jungkook!" Taehyung screamed out. The rest of the hyungs hit Taehyung in the back of the head and started scolding him for 'jumping the gun.'

"Yah! V, you aren't supposed to yell that out! We were going to surprise him with the song and a cake, remember?" Jin scolded Taehyung. Taehyung shrunk back a little at Eomma's scolding. Nobody messed with Eomma Jin, he would mess you up real bad.

"I'm sorry, Jin," Taehyung replied, "I forgot about it." He really had forgotten about the plan that the members had made last night. He was really sorry about it, too. He ruined the perfectly good surprise that the members had come up with. He just really wanted to wish his Kookie a 'Happy Birthday' and quickly give him his special gift. Jin sighed. He did know that Taehyung didn't mean to blurt it out. He was just excited, like a normal Taehyung should be.

"It's okay, I guess. Just, go get the cake out of the refrigerator so we can sing to Jungkook. It's getting kind of late because of that darn dance practice and Jungkook needs to sleep. We all do right now," Jin replies. Taehyung shouted an 'Okay!' before quickly running out of the room and returning with a cake a few minutes later.

"Ready, BTS? 1. 2. 3!" Namjoon shouted.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Jungkook! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday!" Jungkook smiled at all of his hyungs. He really did love all of them a lot. They always did so much for him all the time. Without them, he would be at a lost to do half of the time.

"Thank you, hyungs. This was a great birthday... a lot better then that one year when you made me cry. That really was mean, hyungs," Jungkook complained. His hyungs winced at the memory that his words brought and began apologizing again. In all the commotion, Taehyung slipped away and walked to his room. He walked over to his bed and picked up a small package before planting a small kiss on it.

"I really hope he likes it. If he doesn't, I don't know what I'll do. I love him so much," Taehyung whispered into the package. He walked back out of his room and back into the loud room where the mini party was being held.

"V-sshi, where did you go?" Jimin called out to Taehyung. Taehyung jumped a bit at the surprise at being caught before calming down a bit. He held up his present and smirked as all his hyungs gasped out loud.

"V, we agreed no presents!" Namjoon complained. He stomped his foot on the ground and everyone stared in amazement as nothing broke.

"Sorry, hyung. I had prepared this present for a month already. And I'm sure I had opposed the whole 'no presents' thing," Taehyung calmly replied to Namjoon's complaints.

"Wait, you've been preparing for Jungkook's birthday for a month? That means before me? V! How could you do that?!" Jin shouted out his own complaints. Taehyung shrunk back again at Jin's words. Jungkook decided to speak up before Taehyung got more complaints from the other hyungs.

"Hyung, can I open it right now?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung quickly shook his head, making everyone to be confused. Why wouldn't Taehyung want to have Jungkook open the present that he had worked on so hard?

"Please open it when you are alone," Taehyung pleaded and Jungkook nodded. Taehyung handed over the package, seeming slightly hesitant to hand it over.

"Thank you, hyung."

"No problem, Kookie."


Jungkook sat down on his bed and stared at the package in front of him. He was slightly scared to open it. After all, Taehyung did give it to him. And no one really knew what Taehyung was thinking at times. He was his own person.

"Just open it. It shouldn't be too bad. He isn't that weird...right?" Jungkook tried to boost his confidence. He was really scared of what was inside. And it isn't just the fact that it was Taehyung, it was also the fact that it was from his secret love. Everyone would be scared to open something from their secret love, right?

Jungkook tentatively opened the package and stared in shock as a small notebook lay inside. A notebook? That was weird...even for Taehyung. He opened the notebook and smiled as he saw Taehyung's handwriting inside.

Dear Kookie,

Happy Birthday! I honestly hope that you have a nice birthday even though we have practice today! Boo them! Maybe we should start a petition and have a mini war with the managers. We need to stop having dance practices on the members' birthdays. Actually, it should be no work at all on our birthdays!

Ah, I'm getting off track now. Anyways, this small notebook will be my little confession letter to you. Everything I feel about you or what I want you to know will be written in here. Once again, Happy Birthday, Kookie.

Your Husband(I wish),


"I wish so too Taehyung hyung," Jungkook whispered in the dark. "I wish so too." He heard Jin call out to him, telling him to brush his teeth and get ready for sleep. He sighed sadly and put the notebook under his pillow and vowed to begin reading it the next morning.

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