The game

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"What are we gonna do!",Nessa screamed with clear fear in her tone

  Just as she said that they heard footsteps then evil laughter. Natania froze in fear,Nessa formed tears in her eyes and Beth went pale. The girls without thinking began to run but it was dark so they couldn't see. They ran into a room and as their eyes adjusted to the darkness they saw that the room was empty except for a shelf with a box on the top shelf. Beth being the tallest of the three and the most curious grabbed the box off the shelf .

"Beth! what are you doing", Natania said with a hint of fear in her voice.

"Death",Beth said with no emotion in her voice.

"what?" Natania asked cautiously .

"It says the game of death on the top" Beth said with still no emotion in her voice.

"whatever, can we just focus on getting out of here?" Nessa asked but she knew very well that Beth wouldn't listen.

Beth opened the box and a note was inside, she read it out loud to her friends "You have opened this box and you have been foolish enough to open this note so now you must play the game of death and try to escape this house but be careful because there are no rules and you might not make it out alive".

"I'm not playing that game", Nessa said but her words came out in a squeak.

"I don't think we have a choice unless we want to die here", Natania said with zero confidence in her tone.

"Fine" Nessa said and Beth pulled out the instructions. "The game begins here, go up the stairs and find the next note , the notes will lead you to the key but there will be traps.Find the key without dying or die and make a sacrifice to the house",Beth read. Without a word they all walked out of the room and headed upstairs the first note was easy to find , it was under a loose board on the floor.The note read; "find the dead that live in the red...".

"What!? The rest of the note is torn off!" Nessa screamed "This stupid game is going to be the end of us!".

"Calm down Nessa", Natania said firmly but calmly .

"No we're gonna die in here and it's all your fault!",Nessa spoke angrily.

"I heard that there was a 'red room' in here I think that's what the note was talking about and that's where the old lady would hide all of her bodies, she would kill them as a sacrifice to the house then let their blood flow all over the floor", Beth said without emotion .

The number one thought in Natania and Nessa's mind's was "What's gotten into you?" But Nessa made the mistake of saying this out loud.Beth didn't answer though she simply just walked out of the room without a sound.

"Something is up with her ,she's acting...different", Natania said when she was sure Beth couldn't hear her.

"I know, her eyes look tinted red" Natania nodded and motioned for Nessa to follow her behind Beth since Beth seemed to know the place like her own house.

When they found Beth she had her back faced towards them and she was in the doorway of a room that had a red glow to it, when she turned around she had a long scratch running down her arm but her face still showed no emotion on it and her voice had a dark,empty tone to it when she said "I hope you both know that this is the game of death and sacrifice, if you don't focus that's it.".

"wow, what is wrong with you, neither of us are going to die so just stop it!" and without another word they all stepped into the room and within a minute Natania couldn't breathe, she grabbed at her own neck and her eyes opened wide, she ran out of the room and could breathe again. Nessa saw what had happened and ran out to see what was wrong with her friend.

"what happened, are you okay?" She asked.

"I couldn't breathe but I'm okay now", Natania said with both fear and relief in her voice as she said this Beth walked out and said "Come on both of you I found the note, we need to go into the basement".

"But we have no idea where the basement is", Nessa said cautiously.

Beth just walked away in the opposite direction and Nessa and Natania just knew that she knew where the basement was.They caught up to Beth as she opened the basement door and they followed her down the stairs and into the room at the bottom of the staircase, they looked around the room for 10 minutes then Nessa found the note it said look behind the shelf,there's someone waiting to meet you. They all hesitated for a while and this was the first time Beth showed any sign of still being a human with emotions. They all pushed the shelf to the side and found a skeleton with blood stained bones and a note in it's hand

"it can't be real" Nessa said .

"Its a sacrifice", Beth said and took the note in her hand it read; "die or find the next room in 15 minutes and remember I'm watching you."

They found the next room in 11 minutes and opened the door.They heard footsteps and evil laughter then a scratch appeared on Nessa's arm in the shape of a W. It was Natania's turn to find the note and she did, it read; since you've lived so long i suggest you get ready for the game to get more painful.

"these notes aren't helping " Natania said and she noticed the scratch on Nessa's arm and that Beth's skin became pale and she looked dead inside.

"I'm becoming her", Beth whispered "I should have never opened that box,that's how the house traps you"
and in that moment both Nessa and Natania realized what was going on and why their friend was acting like this.

Yayyyyyyy exact 1000 words. Ok hope this chapter was enjoyable and scary enough.

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