Remember me?

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The lights were still off so Natania was left scared and alone in complete darkness with an uneasy feeling that she wasn't alone. The sound of creaking floor boards broke the silence and then the sound of chains dragging across the floor returned. Natania knew she had to get out of the room because the sound of the chains dragging had been coming from the same room that she was in so she ran out of the room and didn't stop even when she got out of the room because she still felt unsafe. Natania kept running and she didn't want to stop but she was human and she needed to breathe so she took a break to catch her breath in a hallway where all the doors were facing each other and the lights weren't working, that's the biggest mistake she had ever made and she realized that when a hand grabbed her by her right ankle and started dragging her like a mop across the dusty wooden floors. As the figure dragged her and as she was screaming she realized she was being dragged further and further into a part of the house that she had never been to before and her heart started to beat faster but it was just another time when she had to come to terms with her own death.

Natania finally realized she wasn't being dragged across the floor anymore and there was no longer a grip on her ankle so she cautiously got up but then felt her heart stop suddenly.


Natania heard someone call her name and it sounded like Beth. She ran towards the source of the sound but soon regretted doing that because she came face to face with Beth's eyes that were covered in black alone. An evil grin was plastered across Beth's face and Natania refused to believe that this was her friend so she backed away slowly but she couldn't seem to stop staring into Beth's cold black eyes. Natania felt her back touch a wall, she was cornered and there was no way she was getting away now. Beth grabbed Natania by the neck and Natania could feel her long, sharp nails press against her throat as the hold on her neck got tighter and she began to gasp for air and kick but she became weaker as she became more and more desperate for air. Natania reached up, grabbed Beth's arm and tried her best to pierce her skin with her nails and then she balled up her fists and punched and punched until she hit Beth's nose and she let go growling in pain.

Natania took her chance to run and didn't look back. She ran downstairs to the kitchen where it was dimly lit and looked in all the cupboards to find a knife but they were all empty but the last cupboard she looked in had a folded piece of paper. Natania unfolded the piece of paper and saw a picture of a little girl that looked about ten years old but she wasn't the same girl from the picture in the diary. Over the picture written in bold was the word 'missing' and under the picture was the girl's age which was 10, her name which was Alice and a more detailed description of her but all Natania was focused on was her name and age. Natania had a friend when she was nine that was ten years old, named Alice and looked just like the girl in the picture.

One day Alice and Natania were playing in Natania's back yard and the next day there were police cars with red and blue flashing lights at the front of Alice's house. A month later Alice's parents and her little sister moved out of the house and never spoke a word to Natania's family about what had happened even though they were next door neighbours. Natania was sad and confused but eventually got over it and made new friends but the picture had brought back memories and unanswered questions but while Natania was going through her memories she remembered waking up one night and her window was open so she got up to close it but before she closed it she looked up and standing at Alice's window was a hunched over figure that was so thin that its rib cage looked as if it would burst through its skin and its skin was covered in dry blood. The figure smiled an ear to ear smile at Natania and its mouth literally reached its ear and then Natania looked closer and realized it was a mask then its hand started to reach up and it showed its long fingers with sharp nails and that's when Natania quickly closed her window and her blinds and crawled back into bed wishing to forget what had just happened and when she woke up in the morning she had convinced herself it was just a nightmare.

Natania stopped thinking about her memories when she saw a shadow from the side of her eye. She looked up and the tap in the kitchen started to drip so she walked closer to the tap to inspect the tap because it had been years since anyone had lived there and the water shouldn't have been working still. Natania leaned down to get a closer look but her heart started to beat faster and her hands started to sweat when she realized that the 'water' coming from the tap was red but the red liquid coming from the tap was the least of her problems when she heard a little girl's voice say


Slowly Natania turned around not yet ready to see who or what was behind her. When Natania turned around she came face to face with a familiar and youthful face.



"Why do you look like you're still ten?"

"What are you talking about Natania? I've only been gone for two months...right?

Thank you for reading this chapter, hope you enjoyed.💛

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