Harassed (three)

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"Get off of me!" I yelled pushing Ciara off of me. She stumbled backwards a little and smirked at me. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I yelled again,  pushing her again. She wiped her mouth with her sleeve and stepped forward and pressed her lips against mine. She caved me in when I tried to pull away. She moved her lips feverishly against mine, and I could do nothing but kiss back.

"That was hot," Ciara said bluntly when she pulled away her lips, keeping our bodies close. I kissed her quickly catching her off guard. When I pulled away her eyes were wide so I took the opportunity to run back into the house and into my bedroom. Ignoring her yelling, I ran up the stairs, tripping in the process on the second step. I felt my body slam hard into the hard wooden stairs.

"Fuck!" I cursed, sitting up, holding my breasts since they hit the stairs the hardest. That hurt like a bitch! I took my shirt off leaving me in my bra. I rubbed the sore spot until I head a loud gulp coming from the bottom of the stairs.

"U-uh, I'll get some ice," Ciara said wide eyed with flushed red cheeks. Shit! I forgot she was here. She ran off to the kitchen some where.Few minutes later, I heard Ciara coming back. I covered my chest with my arms while she closed her eyes and handed me a pack of ice. I took it quickly and pressed it against my body. She stood there awkwardly with her hand over her eyes.

"You can uh, look now," I said awkwardly watching as she peeked through her hands before taking her hand off her face. She looked anywhere but me, a deep blush on her cheeks. I cleared my throat making her look at me. I pointed at my shirt on the ground near my feet.

"Uh," She said confused. I rolled my eyes and pointed at the shirt again. She rolled her eyes then, her eyes brightened like she had a great idea. "You would look better without it," she said seductively, her nervousness and shyness instantly going away.


We were sitting on my bed, talking and eating junk food. I was sitting comfortable at the head at the bed with Ciara beside me, she looked as if she was about to fall asleep. I tensed when I felt her arms wrap around me. 

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked, keeping my arms glued to my side.

"Keeping you warm," she whispered, snuggling closer to me. I frowned, pushing her away,

"It's like 80 degrees out," I said, scooting away from her. She frowned and instantly wrapped her arms around me again. "Seriously dude, get off!" I half-yelled, squirming out of her grip. "First you kiss me out of nowhere, which by the way was my first kiss!" I shouted, her eyes widening at this newfound information.

"Wait? I was your first kiss?" She asked, her grip loosening. I took this opportunity to dip out of her arms and out of the room. As I was running down the stairs, Ciara yelled,

"You know this is your house right?" Ciara casually stepped down the stairs in a very seductive manner. I gulped audibly and turned around and headed to the kitchen. I went to the cupboard and picked out the  mac and cheese and started to make it. While I was mixing the cheese and the noodles together, Ciara peered over my shoulder.

"Can I have some?" She asked staring hungrily at the food. 

"No!" I shooed her away and sat down with my food. She pouted and let her blonde hair fall infront of her face. She looked, adorable. I looked down at my bowl and at her, and sighed.

"Fine, here." I said, pushing my bowl towards her and getting up to get another bowl for me. I got my food and sat back down next to Ciara and started eating. Halfway through my meal, I looked over at her to see her bowl empty and her staring at me.

"What are you looking at?" I spat angrily, squirming uncomfortably under her gaze.

"Do I make you nervous?" She whispered, leaning dangerously close to my ear. I nodded and averted my gaze to the floor. "And why is that?" She continued, scooting her chair close to mine so that our chairs were touching.

"U-U-Uh," I stuttered, feeling my cheeks blaze up. I got up from the chair, and sprinted towards my bedroom, closing my door and sat down on the floor, leaning against the door. I heard her sprinting up the stairs, opening the door hashly flinging my body off the door.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry, baby." She whispered the last part rushing over to me and craddiling me into her arms. She rocked back and forth and held me gently, as if I were broken. 

"I'm not broken you know," I whispered, snuggling into her chest. To be honest, it didn't hurt that much, I just wanted to be close to her.

What is wrong with me?

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