Steven Jones

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A/N   Haiii!! So... I know this is really overdone, but I still really love these stories and I wanted to write one myself! So... First fanfic, I will take any critism you have. Also, if you have a request, tell me and I will try to do it!

Hi. I'm Steven Jones, most popular guy here at Lowell High (A/N I literally looked up high schools in San Fran, not connected to anyone), and I've got my eye on a cutie named Annabeth Chase.

Annabeth has beautiful blonde hair, a hot tan body (Ugh), and awesome and scary gray eyes. She's also, like, the smartest and hottest girl in school, so we should date. Every time someone asks her out, Annabeth says she has a boyfriend. I think we all know that she's talking about me!

Anyway, I'm gonna take Annie to the movies tonight, then to my house for some, uh... Fun. (Is it bad that I really want to kill my own character right now..?) I won't even need to ask, I'll just tell her to meet me outside the school later. If she's not awesome enough to me, then I'll dump her and move on to someone hotter.

Oh look, there's my girlfriend now!

"Hey Annie," I said, smirking and leaning against a locker next to hers "So meet me outside when school lets out. We can go see a movie or somethin', then go back to my house. My parents won't be home so we can do whatever we want." I winked at the end, knowing she couldn't resist me.

"You know what? Fine. I'll meet you outside at 3," (My school lets out at 2:50, so I made it close to that) Annie said, with a small smile on her face

"And if you EVER call me Annie again, you won't have a tongue left to say it." She finished innocently.

"See ya later then babe!" I said, smirking as I walked away.

She probably wasn't gonna be good enough, she realized we were probably gonna hook up once, right? Oh well, maybe we could do it twice if she begs enough. (Gagging. Why did I write this???)

Welp, time for class. I heard there's a new student today, I'll have to put him in his place if I'm in any of his classes before lunch. If not, I can get him during lunch with Annabeth watching. She'll NEED me after this!!

~~--TiMe LaPsE oF pErCaBeTh--~~

Oh look, time for history. I don't really like it, but my current babe really likes our Greek unit, so I just kinda roll with it. Sometimes I even listen to what the teacher is saying!

"Well class, today we'll be learning about the 12 Olympians!" Said our our sub excitedly.

For some reason our normal teach was gone, so we had this weird sub named Mr. Brunner who uses a wheelchair. Today was his first day subbing for us, I hope he's not super boring like our usual subs.

Right after Mr. Brunner spoke, Annabeth burst through the door. She looked like she had run the whole way here, and was panting slightly.

"Sorry I'm late, I-" Annabeth cut herself off when she looked up at the sub. "Oh my gods! Mr. Brunner! Why are you here?!" Annie shouted excitedly.

"Wait... Did something happen? Do I need to get back to camp? I can get He- er... The Stoll's dad to send my stuff back!" Wow, Annababe looked really worried. I'll comfort her later tonight *wink*.

Mr. Brunner chuckled at Annabeth.

"Miss Chase, I promise everything is okay back at camp. I just wanted to give you some... Extra supervision." Said the teacher, making Annabeth obviously relax.

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