Boys Will Be Boys

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First attempt at writing a fic. Let's see where this goes.
Disclaimer: I own nada. Just the written plot.


He knew this was a bad idea. He knew from the start, but did anybody listen to him?


For some insane reason, his brothers wanted to see if the rumors about this grisly place were true.

And now they were trapped in a Walmart of all places! And an abandoned one at that! Donnie sighed, he should’ve never listened to his brothers.

It’ll be fun, they said. It’s totally safe, they said.” Donnie muttered. A thud echoed throughout the store-turned-bedlam.

Cmon! Why won’t this open?!” Another thud followed the shout. Donnie turned towards his furious-looking brother who was beating at the doors, that just so happened to conveniently get stuck closed.

“Raph, give it a break. We’re going to have to find a new way out.” Raph ceased his bashing on the doors, but continued to scowl. Donnie raised an eyebrow at his oldest brother.

“And how exactly are we going to do that, Leo?” Donnie questioned, looking extremely dubious. Leo’s dignified expression faltered, and changed into one of uncertainty as both Raph and Donnie waited for an explanation.

“We’ll… figure it out along the way. Let’s just get a move on.” Leo replied hesitantly at first, but finished sounding determined. They began gathering their belongings when Raph’s rough-accented voice broke the silence.

“Where’s Mikey?” At the statement, all three brothers began looking around for the youngest.

“He was just here! Where’d he go?” Leo said, sounding frantic.

“I knew something was up… Mikey’s never this quiet.” Donnie stated as he searched behind the checkout lines for their little brother.

“Guys, don’t be such mother hens… He probably wondered off on his own or somethin’ “ Raph added, but he too, couldn’t hide the worry in his voice.

Then a shriek echoed through the forgotten store, that sent the trio running towards it.

Mikey?”  The brothers shouted in unison. Then something crashed into them that sent everyone sprawled out on the tiled floor.

Ow.”  A familiar voice commented, causing the three brothers to jump up and look at the fourth, no-longer-missing brother.

“Mike!” They crowded around him.

“Heh, did anyone get the number of the truck that hit me?” He joked, but his laughter died down when he saw the heated glares of his older brothers. He tried to hide the skateboard he had just been on before their collision, but only succeeded in bumping into the aisle near them, causing a toy to crash to the floor.

“Let it go, let it go~ Can’t hold it back anymore~”

The Elsa doll sang out, disturbing the silence. A few seconds later, laughter was heard from everyone, except Leo, who quickly began to interrogate the youngest.

“Mikey, where were you? Why did you scream? Don’t ever do that to us again!” Leo finished strong by holding on to Mikey, as if he might disappear again.

“Yeah, how could you do something so heedless, Mikey?” Donnie added quickly.

“Heed- what now?” Everyone looked at Donnie with confused expressions as Don sighed and proceeded to explain the meaning of the word, which is a common occurrence.

"It means thoughtless." Then he whispered under his breath, "That's a trait everyone seems to be displaying recently." But everyone ignored him.

“Uh, anyway, I was just checking out the cool stuff here, and screamed when I found this awesome board! Don’t be a mom.” Mikey teased.

“I’ll be whatever I want!” Leo’s voice cracked, which caused the other two brothers to snicker. Mikey’s face soften, and he hung his head guiltily.

“ ‘m sorry Leo. Didn’t mean to worry ya.” Mikey patted Leo’s shoulder, and Leo sighed.

“It’s fine, just don’t do it again.” He turned to his other little brothers. “Same goes to you two!”

Raph rolled his eyes. “Yeah, okay, whateva’, can we just get a move on already?” He said impatiently. “This place is giving meh the creeps…”

Donnie shivered. “Same..”

“Cmon guys! Why are ya scared? This place is so awesome!” Mikey chirped happily, as he dusted himself off, only to have his phone fall to the ground and shatter.

Noooooooooo!” Mikey dropped to his knees dramatically, as he stared at the remains of his phone.

Donnie put a comforting hand on Mikey. “I'll make you a new one.”

“But-but, Toby-”

“Did ya seriously name yer phone?” Raph cut in.

Everyone was silent and stared at the fallen electronic.

“It lasted longer than the last one.” Leo commented.

“May it rest in pieces.” Raph snickered. Mikey stood up abruptly and pointed at the ceiling.

“YOU WON’T GET AWAY WITH THIS, EVIL WALMART!” A trio of facepalms were heard.

“This is going to be a long night..” Leo sighed out.

Raph nodded. “Agreed.”

Once again, Donnie had to fight back the wave of ‘I told you so’s, as they watched their youngest brother continue to threaten the “evil Walmart”.

“ ‘m starting ta think he likes ta hear himself talk..” Raph said.

“Well, considering his loquacious tendencies, this is going to last a while..”

Donnie got blank stares from Raph and Leo.

Oh come on guys- Talkative! It means talkative!” Donnie exasperated.

“Well, sorry! We don’t all read dictionaries in our free time.” Raph huffed.

Hey! I don’t read dictionaries-”

The two middle brothers began to bicker back and forth, while Mikey continued his antics. Leo used a hand to massaged his temple as he began to feel a headache at the works.

Little brothers..” He shook his head, it was going to be a long night indeed.


Yikes, I'm cringing.
Welp, let's see what others think,
Now I shall play the waiting game
*two seconds later*
I forgot how annoyingly impatient I am.


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