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A blast of electricity shot down the door.

"Stop right there!"

The Teen Titans.

A large gang had broke into the gas station that a young girl worked at. She was just closing up when the gang came rushing in, guns pointing at her head. So of course, the girl repeatedly pressed the button that was hidden under the cash register to alert the authorities. She just didn't expect the authorities to be the Teen Titans themselves.

Although, it was not that much of a surprise since things like this happen all the time in Jump City.

She could have taken the gang on herself, since, well... we'll get to all that later. We don't want to reveal too much too soon. But, she could've taken them, she just didn't want to break her cover just quite yet.

Anyway. There she was. Playing the helpless little damsel in distress as the Teen Titans busted through the door and started to beat up the gang members. The gang fought back, shooting their guns, but Raven used her telekinesis to wush the weapons away. Then, of course, Starfire just had to shoot her green vision thingys and miss and hit the ice-cream cooler. Which, then, of course, fell over and spilt all over the floor she had just mopped this morning.

"Hey! Watch it! I just cleaned those floors! Now I'll have to do it again!" the girl cried.

"Would you rather us leave and let these guys shoot up the place?" Raven gave her a side-glance and continued to pick up the soda cases and throw them
at the bad guys.

"Well with that attitude..." she mumbled to herself.

At that moment one of the gang members karate kicked Cyborg in the face, sending the poor guy scrambling backwards. He tripped over one of the fallen soda cases and fell across the check-out counter. The girl leaned over him, "You okay?"

He laughed, and then winced,"Yeah, just bumped my head."

"You gonna fix that dent you left in my counter?"

Cyborg jumped back up and pointed his cannon gun thingy at one of the bad guys, "Nah, I'll let you handle that."

She frowned. They were causing more damage than actually helping.

A bit later it was finished, the Titans had the bad guys tied up and the cops had just arrived to take them to jail. The team walked over to the bench outside the nearly collapsed gas station were the young girl was sitting.

"You okay?" Beast Boy asked.

"Yeah. Pretty good. Now I have to stay and help the boss clean up."

"Yeah," Robin rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "Sorry about the mess. It's kind of unavoidable."

"What? Collateral damage? Yeah. Guess so when you have to throw soda cases against the walls."

Raven sneered, "Did you want your butt saved or not?"

"Well," she stood up, ignoring Raven's comment, "I'll be going now. Busy day tomorrow. Thanks for your help."

Cyborg grabbed my arm, "Wait, what's your name?"

"Sarah." she fibbed.

He let go, "Maybe we'll see you around?"

The girl shrugged, "Sure, I'm pretty much free now," she laughed, pointing to the nearly collapsed gas station.

Cyborg chuckled, "Yeah, I guess that's true."

"Thanks again for the help," she grinned. 

That's when she waved goodbye and started to head home. Disappearing into the shadows.

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