Betrayed and Lost --- A Percy Jackson Fanfiction

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Percy's  P.O.V.

            Today was the day that I was wrongfully killed by the Gods. That happened a millennia ago but the pain was still as sharp and it was so intense I remembered it as if it were yesterday. I didn't want to replay the scene again. A millennia ago I just came here all lost and in pain. Chaos adopted me and I became his son. I was also the Commander of the army of Chaos, known as Alpha (as in Alpha of the pack, like the leader). Not a lot of people knew this but I was married to Delta, the second in command. She was called Delta because she could control all dragons except for the biggest and most powerful dragon of all, Talibra.

"Alpha! Wake up and get your lazy self to the arena to train!" Delta shouted. Personally she frightened me.

"Yes ma'am!" I exclaimed as I jump out of bed. I quickly throw on some jeans and a t-shirt underneath my black hoodie. They may look like normal clothes but they were my assassin clothes and were magiked to be able to turn into a full set of armour on myself.

            After changing, I quickly brushed my teeth and attempted to comb my stubborn hair and gave up after like 0.1 seconds. Once I got down, Delta was already down there and she pressed a button on a stopwatch.

"0.9 seconds. Not bad. Not bad at all. I should shout at you more often." She said then when she looked at me she laughed because I think that she saw that I had paled considerably.

            Now let me explain some things to you about our world. There were wizards but they were really rare. Delta is a wizard and Chaos trained me to be a wizard. Next up, the dragons. There are many types of dragons, there are minor dragons that are the size of a bird and there are a lot of types of minor dragons. For example, there are healing dragons, singing dragons, light dragons, fire dragons, water dragons, knowledge dragons, architect dragons and many other types of dragons. Now as for the bigger dragons, all of them are able to be ridden, although not all of them prefer to be ridden, all of them can breathe fire. Although there are a few of dragons that are storm dragons so they can breathe water, snow, hail, lightning and the other elements of storms.

            Now back to my schedule, I had to train the soldiers. Most of the soldiers are in good shape so they don't really need any more training. After an hour of that, I had to train the new comers. They absolutely STINK at swordsmanship. Now after the tedious hour of training and correcting very obvious mistakes, I went to my wizard training class, which might have been my favourite thing in my whole entire schedule other than lunch and sleep. I took a blue cookie out of my air locker and nibbled on it. ( A/N (::) (::) that's a cookie!)

Finally! Something to quench my hunger!I thought to myself.

I had finished my cookie by the time I got to the arena where I was supposed to be training my wizardry skills and when I got there I saw Delta there and I said,

"Hey honey! How was your day?" and I kissed her.

"Not bad actually considering that Matthew didn't hit me with an arrow like the other classes." Delta replied after the kiss, a little breathless. I chuckled at that.

"Now what are we going to learn for wizardry class today?" I asked Delta.

"Well today we are..." Delta started to answer but the voice on the intercom stopped me. It said,

"Alpha and Delta please report to the office. I repeat, Alpha and Delta please report to the office. Thank-you. Please hurry up!"

"Jeez talk about bossy! Okay, okay, we're going! Your wish is our command and what not. Sheesh!" I replied causing Delta to crack up beside me.

"When will you ever stop joking Alpha?" She asked me between her fits of laughter.

"Never! Mwahahahaha!" I replied.

Once we got there, we inclined our heads slightly at Chaos and I asked,

"What is our mission now?"

"Okay now don't kill me since you sound so upbeat about it but, there is a war going on and my daughter Gaea is rising and I need your help to defeat her." Chaos said.

"Why would I want to kill you? Besides you left out a crucial detail, where are we going to go save the world now?" I replied.

"Now this is the part where you kill me or rather attempt to kill me, it's on Earth." Chaos replied.

"WHAT! YOU SAID THAT I WOULDN'T HAVE TO GO TO THAT GOD DAMN FUCKING PLANNET AGAIN!" I roared at Chaos enjoying the fact that he flinched at how loud my voice was. I stomped out but not before saying,

"Alright sir, when do we leave? I'll pack now."

Chaos P.O.V.

"You leave in 2 hours." I said to Percy.

I turned to Delta and said,

"I know it's hard for him but could you please do me a favour and attempt to calm him down?"

"Sure thing sir." Delta replied and hurried after her husband.

 Delta P.O.V.

I went after Alpha and found him throwing knives at a target in our room. I walked over to him and said in a soothing tone while rubbing his back comfortingly,

"I know it's hard honey, but you married me and all of that rubbish is behind you now. I'll be here for you no matter what."

He looked up at me and I saw tears in his eyes. That startled me and then I decided to tease him,

"Now, now don't tell me that I see tears in the eyes of the mighty assassin of Chaos!"

Percy growled at me then flipped me over and pinned me down. I started laughing and after a while he started laughing along with me. His laugh was so deep and hearty. He got off of me and helped me up.

"Come on let's pack." He said to me and I smiled and nodded at him. We were laughing and throwing stuff into our bags. He then bowed to me and tipped and imaginary hat and said,

"May I do the honours My lady?"

I punched him playfully and threw him my bags. He seemed to catch it with no effort but I could tell in his eyes that he thought that the bags were heavy.

 "What did you put in there?" He asked me.

"Oh you know, just 18 bottles of shampoo, 18 bottles of conditioner, 100 bottles of nail polish and all of the things that I need to make my day feel better." I responded

"Wait what! You put makeup on?" He asked me. " I thought that was your natural beauty."

"You never noticed!?" I gasped at him and he shook his head sheepishly.


Well there you have it! The first chapter of Betrayed and Lost.

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