More about push-ups and then the dragon

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Alpha P.O.V.

            Great. Just Great. Delta just had to make me do push-ups with girls on my back. Oh well! I was going to do that tomorrow morning for my usual workout but I guess that I should change it since I'm doing it right now. Anyways, time to do the workout. I lay down on my stomach and nodded and Delta to begin. Delta called out,

"Drew! You're up first!"

            Drew squealed and ran up to me sitting down on my back. Just as she sat down the chains around my torso excluding my arms, turned into a chair for her to sit on. I turned my head back at her and asked,

"You ready?"

Drew said,

"Yes, I think."

"Well let's just hope that you don't fall off." I replied.

            I slowly rose up onto my hands and started doing 1000 push-ups with both of my hands. Man! Drew was so heavy! Oh well, 10 minutes later, I finished the push-ups and yelled,


            This girl was lighter than Drew and sat gingerly as if afraid to break my back or something. I snickered and said,

"You had better sit more into the seat or you might fall off! Oh and before I forget it you want a massage, then you can tell me to go slower and say massage."

            I think that the girl got the message and sat deeper into the seat provided and I started doing push-ups with only 8 fingers. When the girl said


 I had to slow down because the chains were squeezing my stomach so hard that I almost stopped doing the push-ups.

Curse you Chaos! Why did you have to make the chains like that and make it only work for me and I can't do anything to Delta?! I thought.

Because you are a male and I thought it would be fun! Who knew that it would hurt you so much! Chaos responded in my head.

Yeah well it hurts. A LOT! Especially when the person is heavy and is about to break my back and they ask for a massage. I just hope that Clarisse isn't in that lot! I retorted. 

Yeah! Tough! Chaos responded.

What she's in that lot! I thought that she doesn't like me. But why would she be here? I pondered.

Well she might be in that lot to see if you are strong or not. Chaos replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Come now! Don't start squabbling! And Clarisse is next Alpha! Just saying, in her eyes, they look like she is going to ask you for a massage. Delta cut in.

Well wish me luck! At least she didn't get one that was like when I am doing the one-fingered push-ups! I replied.

You know what! That is actually a good idea! I should tell her to wait for that! Delta said while pretending to think.

No no NO! Please no! You already made me do push-ups with Aphrodite kids on my back! Tomorrow I might even have a whole fan of girls following me! I pleaded.

Well... TO BAD!!! Delta said, laughing at my horror-struck facial expression.

"Clarisse come over here for a sec will you." Delta said slyly.

"Noooooooooooo!" I cried out loud, "My fears have come true!"

"Anyways, ignoring Alpha's last comment, you can pick between 2nd last or last. Though I suggest last because then you can pick which hand and which finger he does it on." Delta replied while glaring pointedly at me.

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