Chapter 1. Teleported.

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It was raining down hard on the RED base. The sound of rain hitting the metal roof so hard it sounded like it would break did nothing to deter Engineer from his work, nor did the large clap of thunder. Now working with technology, even this advanced, was dangerous in a thunderstorm. Engineer knew this, but he was so focused on working on the teleporter, witch had broken earlier thanks to SOMEBODY rocket jumping to close to it.

So now here he was, hunched over on his desk tinkering with the wires. However, Engineer was very tired and had failed to notice the teleporter was still active. He also failed to notice the particularly loud clap of thunder that sounded out. He did, however, notice what came after.

A few moments after the monstrous thunderclap ( which spooked everyone except Demo and Engi, Engineer being to caught up in his work and Demoman who was in a drunken sleep. You know, the usual. )
A large and powerful lightning bolt struck the Red base with immense power. All the active electronics started sparking, including the teleporter, witch came to a shock to Engineer , as he had not realised it was on. Suddenly, without warning , all the mercenaries were bathed in a red glow and sucked into a swirling red vortex. All was now quite at the Red base, The last noise coming from the teleporter, witch at last, powered off.

Well what do you think so far? 


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