Chapter 9 BlackWolf corporations

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It was completely dark and Scout couldn't see a dam thing in front of him. He had walked into several tree branches and tripped a whole lot, so he was a little banged up. He didn't even know how long he had been walking, all he knew is that he was done.

Scout collapsed at the base of a tree, almost passing out. The blood loss wasn't helping. All his adrenaline was gone. His team, his second family was gone. And he couldn't keep going to find them. He just lay there, panting, about to black out.

When he heard growling.
"... Shit. "

Scout shot up, his exhausted body screaming in pain at the action, but Scout grit his teeth and tried to ignore it. He looked around, spotting a large stick. " perfect. " he thought. Grabbing the stick, and getting into batting position, Scout stood his ground. Red glowing eyes locked on to him and the creature growled again. Scout just smirked and said. " Batter up, Freak. I ain't scarred a you. "

Pyro didn't know where everyone was, and he was scared. Everything was so dark and horrifying. One of those monsters had chased him and his friends away from each other, and that's what Pyro hated the most. The dark wouldn't be so bad if his friends were here, or fire. Fire kept the dark away. At least he had a weapon.

He had found a sturdy stick, some strong vines and a sharp rock, and had made a makeshift fire axe. It wasn't much, but it would do.

The fire bug soon became very aware that he was not alone. Pyro whipped around to see a red eyed wolf stalk towards him. He was confused, wolves didn't have red eyes, he only ever saw that on the internet, then again... With all the weird creatures here it might not be so strange. Lost in thought, he foolishly failed to notice that the wolf had jumped at him until it was to late. He screamed, muffled by the mask, as the wolf bit his arm. It do as much as it would have if he hadn't been wearing his suit but it still hurt. Using all of his strength, he hauled the creature off him and threw it onto the ground. Before it could get up, he brought his makeshift axe down onto its head.

Pyro bent over, hands on his knees, and caught his breath. When he looked up, he was shocked at what he saw. Instead of blood and bones, Pyro only saw wires and broken glass and a broken metal skeleton. He stepped over to it for a closer look. The eyes, it turned out, were actually cameras. On the cameras, there was a symbol of a moon with a wolf paw in the middle and to red eyes on the side. Below the image was ' BlackWolf corp. Wolfcam 12. '

That meant that: A- someone had sent these robot wolves. B- There are 12 of them . and C- someone knew that they were there, and they want us dead.

Pyro paled under his mask after realizing the last one. He had to find the others. " WAUGHHHHHHH! "

Scout had thought he could beat this thing.
His body disagreed.
After a few hits, which only seem to make it madder, his strength gave out. He just didn't have enough energy. He was used to running on adrenaline, uber, Bonk, sleep. His body just couldn't handle it. And now he was going to die.

The wolf stood over him, eyes blazing, and was about to kill him before something caved its head in. It fell to the ground next to him, but Scout had already passed out.

Pyro had sprinted over when he heard the scream, fearing the worst. Scout wasn't dead, but he would be if they couldn't find Medic. Pyro picked up Scout and headed towards the direction he had seen Medic go in.

Medic actually wasn't alone. He and Heavy walked back towards the area where they had first woken up. Both of their nerves were shot. At the smallest noise they would jump, hoping that it wasn't one of those robotic creatures. They had fought off 4 of them, and had actually had the smart idea to crunch up the metal skeleton to make scrap metal for Engineer.

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