Chapter 3 New lands, new problems

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After retrieving Soldier from the trees and Pyro from the water, the RED team was sitting underneath a great tree with vines on every branch, had set down for a rest. For awhile no one said anything, just taking in the fact that they were no longer in there world. And then Scout spoke. " Soooo... How the hell did we get here? The last thing i remember was drinking some hot Coco and then that freakin lightning bolt hit us and then it was like we were being teleported. " Spy stopped looking around in a daze and looked at Scout and Engineer " teleported... Engineer, did you have something to do with this? " The team looked at Engineer, who started to sweet nervously.

Before he could begin to explain himself, a powerful roar sounded out throughout the forest,

( to help imagine what it sounds like watch this )

followed by 8 others. some louder than others, but one sounded a little different from the others. It wasn't exactly a powerful roar, it was like a cats roar compared to a lions. If they hadn't been so scared from the previous ones, they would have laughed at how pathetic it sounded.

Finally Sniper spoke. " I have heard many roars from many great beasts " he stopped to swallow fearfully. " And I have NEVER heard anything like that before. " The others grew slightly more fearful. Sniper had lived the majority of his life in the outback. If he wasn't sure what it was, it must be a exotic creature indeed. Heavy spoke next. " what you think cause tiny baby roar after loud roars? " Sniper shrugged " a baby, maybe? " Scout snorted " so its a shrimp hanging out with the big guys huh. Cant take care of itself? Pathetic. " Medic spoke up " Sounds like you Scout. " Everyone but Scout broke out into laughter. But everyone shut up when another roar sounded out and 9 shadows passed over head.

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