chapter eleven

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(huge thanks to winterinheaven for making the new trilogy covers! they're absolutely gorgeous. make sure to go check out her profile. enjoy the chapter xx

p.s. I actually edited this one! :O there's probably still mistakes oops) 


MICAH GLARES AT DAVON, intentionally making him squirm. He doesn't let up when Davon averts his gaze, trying to stare anywhere but at him. Killian nudges him with his elbow, grumbling at him to knock it off. Why should he? This guy comes out of nowhere and Harry just instantly allows him to tag along. He doesn't trust it. Everyone always has an ulterior motive.

"So," he starts, leaning forward to rest his arms on his knees, "you said you had a good status at the camp. Could you mean 'Wolf's spy' status?"

Killian rolls his eyes. "I don't think a spy would have wasted three days walking in circles."

"Maybe he lied about that."

"Maybe you're being melodramatic."

Micah glares at Killian, who smiles nonchalantly back. He growls to himself when he finds his aggravation towards Killian instantly slip away, only to be replaced by irritation towards himself for not being able to be angry. He isn't sure that makes any sense, but Killian has muddled his brain somehow.

He still feels warmth on his lips sometimes, even though Killian hasn't kissed him again. That's what Killian had called it--a kiss. Micah is strangely fascinated by the idea of pressing your lips against someone else's for comfort. Who had come up with that?

He doesn't know why he wants Killian to kiss him again but he does.

The entire point of Killian being here, though, is because he'd been looking for Troy, his boyfriend. Another term Killian had informed Micah about, which made about as much sense as kissing to him. Killian had kissed Micah to prove he wasn't a monster. That he wouldn't hurt him. Micah wonders, sometimes, if Killian wants to kiss him again too. If he wasn't looking for Troy. He doesn't let his hopes rise.

"I just want to make sure we don't have a professional actor on our hands," Micah replies after pulling himself from his thoughts, careful to avoid Killian's eye this time. His cheeks get hot when he does after thinking in such a way, and he hates the way Killian grins teasingly at him.

"He's not lying," Harry cuts in, leaning against a tree with his arms folded across his chest, Gavriel next to him. Just like old times. "His heart rate nearly busted my eardrums."

"It wasn't that fast," Davon remarks defensively. "You just caught me off guard."

Harry smirks.

Eve stamps out the fire from where they had cooked the rest of their venison for breakfast. "Right, well, if you all are done being drama queens, I'd like to get started before we lose another day."

Micah notices Maxie stumbling away from Robbie and Caroline, clutching her head. "Is she all right?" he asks, nodding in her direction.

Eve frowns, immediately walking over and placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Maxie, what's wrong?"

"It hurts," Maxie whispers, tears running down her cheeks. "I don't want to see this. Oh God, it hurts."

Harry straightens and Micah does so as well, rising to his feet.

"What do you see?" Eve asks kindly, quietly.

Instead of replying with words, Maxie lets out a bloodcurdling scream, snatching out of Eve's grip and rapidly shuffling backwards, tripping in the process. Eve tries to catch her, but she absentmindedly slaps Eve's hands away, her eyes pinched shut as she screams again. She tears at her hair, yelling at it to stop. Simultaneously, Harry and Micah rush forward to hold the girl down so they can settle her. Eve attempts to speak calmly while Harry and Micah struggle to keep Maxie down.

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