The Blind Banker

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The Blind Banker

That was sweet. -MH

I have no idea about what you're referring to. -SH

You lent him your credit card. You never lend me anything. I'm jealous. -MH

How's the diet going? -SH

What a subtle change of topic, brother dear. -MH

The best place to hide a tree would be a forest. -MH

Need help, brother dear? -MH

The book is the key. -MH

Shut up, Mycroft. I can solve this without your help. -SH

Brother mine, a date is not an event for three people. -MH

I solved the case. It evidently overweighs the ruining of a date. -SH

Subtext: I solved the case and ruined John's date. We should celebrate. -MH

It isn't over yet, Sherlock. Watch out. -MH

I am perfectly capable of watching my own back. -SH

Although it would be appreciated if the British government is to keep an eye out for General Shan. -SH

She died, Sherlock. That was what I meant by watch out. -MH

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