Twins (Jimin BTS)

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"He asked me Thalia!" Natasha shouted with glee as she waltzed into the room. "Park Jimin asked me out!"

Natalia's heart sunk into her stomach as she felt a fake smile cross her face. "Oh my gosh! Congrats Tasha!" She squealed, trying to conceal the pain that was consuming her. Her crush had asked her twin out... 


"Please you have to let me in. She's my twin!" Natalia screamed frantically. "Tasha!" She yelled desperately. 

"Please Ma'am. If you don't calm down, we'll have to sedate you." The nurse answered calmly.

"You have to take me to my sister, Natasha. Please Miss." Natalia begged. 

"Your sister is in surgery right now, but I can take you to the waiting room." The nurse replied, guiding the frantic red haired girl to the emergency room. 

"Jimin!" Natalia ran towards her best friend, and Natasha's boyfriend.

"Oh my gosh Thalia." Jimin opened his arms, and Natalia ran into them, sobbing hard.

"Please tell me she's going to be okay. Please Jimin." Natalia begged. "Say she'll come out alive."

Jimin stayed silent, as Natalia sobbed harder.


"Relatives of Ms. Natasha Williams?" A grave doctor came out of the surgery room.

Natalia immediately shot up. "I'm her twin." A sudden ache went through Natalia, as she realized that the doctor was not bearing good news. 

"Please how is she?" Jimin stood up as well, his arm coming around Natalia's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, but Ms. Natasha did not make it." The doctor told them. Natalia collapsed onto the floor with a sob, as she tore at her short curls.

Two nurses wheeled out Natasha, and Natalia crawled weakly over to the bed, laying her head on the bedside, and grabbing her twin's cold hand.

"Tasha? Tasha it's me Thalia. Please get up." She begged. "Please Tasha. Please." Jimin came over and held Natalia's shoulders as the nurses wheeled Natasha away.

"Wait no Tasha!" Natalia scrambled to her feet and stumbled after the bed. "Tasha wait! Tasha you can't leave me here! Tasha what am I supposed to do without you? Tasha!" 

She screamed, falling to the floor again, and curling up into a ball. "What am I supposed to do without you Tasha?" Natalia sobbed, rocking back and forth. "What do I do now?"


"How are you doing Thalia?" Jimin took a seat beside her on the couch.

Natalia looked at him from the T.V. At his red-rimmed eyes, puffy face, and his dark eye bags.

She smiled tiredly, reaching her hand up to trace the lines of of his face, her hand going over the dark bags, before she dropped it. "You should get some sleep."

Jimin sighed, placing the bowl back down on her bedside desk. "I can't sleep Thalia. Every time I close my eyes, all I see is her. She's everywhere." He closed his eyes for a brief moment, before opening them again. "God you look so much like her Thalia." He breathed, reaching his hand out to caress her face. 

Natalia sighed, moving away slightly so his hand dropped. "And yet I'm not her." Her smile turned bitter. "Sometimes, when I see the pain on your face, I wish so badly that I could be her for you. That I could've been the one in the accident instead of her. That way you two would've stayed together." 

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