What Would You Say

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"What did you just ask me?!" Mitch practically shrieks, lifting his head from my chest.

My heart rate quickens immediately, stomach clenching. I had a feeling this wouldn't go well.

"I-I... I asked 'what would you say if I asked you to marry me'... I'm just curious." I stumble over my words no matter how hard I try to stay calm.

I wait for his reaction. His expression never changes, but his eyes show a jumble of emotions. I've always been good at reading him, but this time it's tough. This time it's like he doesn't understand himself.

"I would probably say yes, honestly." My eyes widen, staring into his. He's keeping up his cool demeanor like a champ while I'm over here sweating through my sweatshirt. "I mean, I love you. Why not."

With that being said, he scoots up on my lap, curling up more to get comfortable. He gives me a single peck on the lips, smiles at my stunned face, then snuggles his nose into the crook of my neck. I feel his eyelashes flutter against my skin as he closes his eyes.

I sit in silence, wrapping my arms around his body as thoughts swirl around in my head. He jolts suddenly, scaring me out of trance.

"I have to pee. Keep my spot warm." He smirks as he close to waltzes out of the room, swinging his hips in a teasing manor.

As soon as I hear the bathroom door click shut, I snap forward, sitting up straight. My eyes dart around the room randomly as my brain goes crazy.

He won't like it.
But what if he does?
Is it too weird??
He did say he'd say yes.
I'm such a dumb ass, oh my God.

I scoff, covering my face with my hands, letting out a groan of frustration. My ears perk up at the sound of the toilet flushing. I have to make the decision now or it's ruined. Yes, no, yes, no, yes... Yes.

I jump up out of the bed, scooting over to my dresser as quickly and quietly as possible. I yank open the bottom sock drawer, rummaging through it to find the specific dark grey pair that I was looking for. Unrolling the bundle with my trembling fingers is one heck of a task, but I manage to get the small black velvet box to fall into my palm.

I shove it into my sweatpants pocket as the bathroom door opens down the hall. I dive back onto the bed, pulling my strange position off as an exaggerated stretch when he appears in the doorway, reaching my arms above my head and yawning for effect. He doesn't seem phased, running his fingers over his short fringe before crawling onto the bed beside me.

"Hold me..." he whispers, rolling over to snuggle his back into my chest.

"Of course." I mumble, sliding one of my arms under my pillow and laying the other Mitch's shoulder.

He pulls my arm lower to his waist with a bat-patterned hand, turning his head to kiss my upper arm. He lays his head down on the pillow as I cuddle up closer to him, pressing my nose into the back of his buzzed head. He moves his legs into mine, tangling them together.

"Goodnight, Scotty." Mitch mutters, his voice barely audible over the pounding of my own heart on my eardrums.

"Night, Mitchy."

In minutes his breathing levels out, and he's alseep. I wait for nearly an hour more, convincing myself it's just to be safe, but I know deep down that it's because I'm terrified.

I slowly reach into my pocket, clasping my fingers around the soft, velvety cube. I pause, taking it all in. I'm about to propose to my boyfriend in the most surprising way possible. I'm about to put a ring on Mitch Grassi. I'm about to put a ring on my best friend. Deep breath in... out... I'm ready to do this.

I open the box carefully, treating it more delicately than necessary. I stare at the ring, the freaking ring that kept me up all those nights. It haunted my every waking hour. When I was searching for the one, the perfect one for Mitch, I thought I would never find it. I would search the web for hours on end, looking through every engagement ring website available before my eyes landed on this - highly expensive, I might add - ring, and I knew it was the one for my boy.

A simple white gold band with tiny black diamonds, the largest one in the center with smaller ones leading off from it on either side, decreasing in size with each crystal. I even got it customly engraved. I slip the ring out of the fancy, ruffled velvet holder, twisting it slightly on my fingertips to show the tiny letters.

"Never leave my side..." It reads, in fine calligraphy.

I smile, reaching over his body to delicately hold up his left hand, slipping the ring onto his fourth finger with fidgety hands. I know he'll see it, he always removes his rings before bed, this one should be very noticeable. He breaths deeply, shifting a bit in his sleep. I entwine our fingers, shivering at the strip of metal against my hand. I've finally done it.

Sleep comes fairly quickly, pulling me under it's heavy blanket, blocking me from my doubt-filled thoughts.


"Nuh uh. Nuh uh!!!"

An astounded voice shakes me from my sleep, pulling me into reality. It takes me a full three seconds to remember what happened.

"Scott Hoying. Is this a fucking prank?!? Please tell me this isn't a prank." He punches my shoulder as I force my eyes to open.

"This isn't a prank, honey." I'm fully awake now, searching his face for something, anything to show me his approval.

"Oh my God!" he whispers, examining the ring up close. "Oh my God!!!" he screeches, pouncing on me in a hug.

"Is that a yes, Mitch?" My voice trembles against my will, hugging him close to my chest.

"Yes yes yes yes yes!!" His yells escalate into sobs as he clings to me, arms wrapped impossibility tight around my neck. "I t-though you were j-joking last night!"

"I would never, baby..." I coo into his ear, a few of my own tears dripping to my chin, "look."

He lifts his head, his shoulders still shaking with joyful sobs. I reach over to the bed side table, pulling out my own ring. I watch him slip off his, giggling as he compares the two. Mine is the same white gold, but the black diamonds are all tiny and evenly spaced around the circumference.

"Look on the inside." I say in his ear.

As he reads the fine words on both of them, his eyebrows knit together and his jaw drops slightly. His eyes are wide as he looks up at me, covering his open mouth with his hand, chin wobbling.

"Sc-Scott these are perfect!" He quickly smashes his lips against mine, moving our mouths together passionately.

"Never leave my side..."

"...Literally wouldn't dream of it."

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