"Good morning stranger"

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"The best of us can find happiness in misery"
I wake up in an odd place. Very fancy, not to mention comfy. I'm kind of freaked out but at the same time I don't want to move. My eyes scan the room. White walls, paintings hung, couch in front of this huge bed, a bedside table with a vase full of white roses. This place is beautiful.

All the sudden I hear footsteps getting closer, I roll over and act like I'm asleep. I hear the door slowly creaking open. Someone walks up beside me and pulls the covers up over my bare arms, a few minute pass before the person walks back out of the door.

I sit up in the strangers bed. Have I been kidnapped? No, why would they treat me so well? I don't know, if being kidnapped is like this, come get me.

I pull the covers off me and stand up. I look down and realize I'm not wearing my old clothes, which freaks me out a little bit. Then someone walks through the door, I look up and see.... Ryan Ross? No it couldn't be. He looks as surprised to see me as I am to see him.

"H-hi." He stammers awkwardly, which I'm not gonna lie, is really adorable. My mouth is wide open in shock.


"Oh yeah, I'll let Brendon explain."

He looks down at my bare legs. I'm only wearing a huge tee shirt which is definitely not mine.

"Oh, I don't know where my clothes are?" I say.

"Oh my, um I'll be right back." He's blushing, I'm embarrassed also. But not as much as he is. He's just as I imagined.

I sit down on the bed, not believing my eyes. Ryan freaking Ross. Brendon Urie. What. Who else is gonna walk through that door? Pete Wentz?

Then my idol walks in the room, I mentally scream.

"Hey, um I have some sweatpants you can wear, when you're done come in here and eat, it definitely looks like you need to."
He tosses the pants at me and gives me a welcoming smile.

"Thanks I guess."
If I've been kidnapped by them, so be it.

He goes to walk out of the room but I stop him.

"Could you tell me what's going on?"

Brendon comes in and sits beside me.

"We had just finished our show and we were walking back to the bus when we saw you in the alley. You look like you haven't ate in weeks. So we picked you up and brought you here." He explains.

"Oh well thanks I guess."
He smiles.

"Come out and eat when you're ready." And with that he walks out.

I put the over sized sweatpants on and tie the string as tight as it will go. I look in the mirror, the huge clothes are swallowing me basically. I throw some water on my face, and take the hair bow from my wrist and tie my hair into a messy bun. I don't look the greatest, but that's the first time I've looked in a mirror in weeks. I walk into the hallway. Slowly walking towards the voices in the next room. When I walk in I see Brendon sitting at the table with Ryan and Dallon Weekes. Dallon freaking Weekes. Hippity doo da.

"Good morning stranger." Dallon says with a huge grin. Motioning me to come sit with them, which I do.

I must look as confused as I feel because Brendon slides a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me.

"Eat then talk."

"Well I'm not gonna say no."

That gets a few laughs, they talk while I scarf down the food.

"So why am I here exactly?" I look at all three of the guys.

"Well we had just finished a show and we saw you." Ryan says.

"You looked miserable." Dallon adds.

"Thanks." I sarcastically say.

Ryan snickers at that.

"I mean like why? Why didn't you just leave me there?" I question.

"You looked sad and broken. We wanted to help." Ryan shrugs.

I nod.

"Where's my stuff?"

Brendon gets up to go get my stuff I assume. He returns a few minutes later with my rugged bag.


"So if you don't mind me asking, why we're you in the streets?" Dallon questions.

"I left home." I look at the ground.

"Why?" I see Ryan elbow Dallon.

I shrug.

"If you don't wanna talk about it, it's fine." Ryan says.

"No it's okay, it's no big deal I just left." I lie.

Brendon raises his eyebrows obviously seeing through my lie.

"Well, if you would like to go back to bed or take a shower you can."
Brendon says.

"That would be great." I reply.

I practically run out of that room.
Brendon follows me into the huge room.

"Do you need clothes?" He asked me.

"Yeah, sorry."

"No problem, Ryan has small legs he probably has some. You could wear."

That makes me laugh.

He returns after a few minutes with some jeans. After he leaves I hop into the big shower.

I cut off the water and wrap the towel around me. As I'm stepping out I slip and hit my head and that's the last thing I remember.

Ms Misunderstood - a Panic! At The Disco Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now