"I cant believe you slapped me"

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"It was a therapeutic chain of events."
"What movie are we going to see?" Ryan looks up at his options.

"I'd really like to see that movie Sarah Smiles" Brendon says.

We finally make up our mind and get our tickets. Ryan and Dallon go to see some action movie so it's just me and Brendon.

We walk in and take the very back row and sit. We decided to watch some horror movie.

A few minutes into the movie I get jumped scared, a lot might I add and Brendon laughs at me everytime.

Another jumpscare caused me to jump yet again but this time I touch Brendon's hand on accident, we make eye contact, my heart jumps. I shift uncomfortably in my seat and look back at the screen. I jump yet again and Brendon grabs my hand. I look at him and he smiles, I smile back.

When the movie is finally over we walk back to the car and meet up with Ryan and Dallon.

When we arrive back home we're all exhausted and go to bed, I go into Brendon's room and lie down, after changing into my pajamas. Brendon lays down beside me, keeping his distance.

"Hey Elana?"


"Do you ever wanna leave." His voice is questioning.

"No, not really. Do you want me to?" My anxiety sky rockets.

"No, I hope you never have to." With his words a huge smile spreads across my face, call me cheesy.

"I never thought my life could be so great." I admit.

Brendon rolls over and pulls me into a hug. I hug him back obviously. His bare chest is so warm. We lay there hugging for what seems like forever. Until I fall asleep.


I wake up to the feeling of Brendon running his fingers through my hair, which makes me smile. I roll over and face him. I stare into his eyes. His face only centimeters away from mine.

"You're really beautiful, you know that right?" He says in his sleepy voice, which is very raspy and sexy.

I blush and break eye contact. All the sudden Brendon catches me off guard, he leans in. His lips gently press against mine. The moment seems to last forever before he frantically pulls away.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I shouldn't take advantage of you like this."
His voice is filled with guilt.

"No! Don't be sorry. You aren't taking advantage of me, I- I liked it." I say.

Brendon gets up and walks into the bathroom. I sigh and plop back down dramatically. I think I'm catching feelings, I'm terrified honestly.

(Time change brought to you by Josh Duns highlighter hair)

Brendon hasn't looked me in eye all day, it's been really awkward. Right now we're all at Apple Bees waiting on our food. Dallon and Ryan notice the awkwardness.

"What happened?"

"What's shakin'?"

Everyone gives Ryan a weird look. He shrugs.

"Come on tell us." Dallon prys.

I look at Brendon who looks at me for the first time since the kiss. My gaze goes back down to the table.
Brendon speaks up.

"I don't think it's appropriate to speak of it here, but me and Elana can handle this really fast outside." He motions me to follow him. Ryan gives me a reassuring nod. I follow Brendon outside of the restaurant.

"Listen, I know what I did this morning was uncalled for and-"
I slap him. I don't know why but I just did.

A look of shock and confusion crosses his face.

"What the hell was that for?" He rubs his cheek which is turning red.

"Stop saying that, it wasn't uncalled for or was unacceptable or whatever. I liked it and obviously you didn't, you regret it which kinda sucks honestly." I say, I've always been the blunt type.

"I don't regret it, I loved it." He says after a few minutes of silence.

"I can't believe you slapped me."

"Next time maybe you'll learn to not be an idiot." I smile and turn, walking back into the restaurant. Brendon walks in not far behind me. We sit back down.

"It's handled." I smile, sipping my drink.

Brendon is still rubbing his red cheek. Which makes me snort. Dallon and Ryan look at each other confused. Our food comes shortly after and we eat.

(Time change brought to you by Crowleys accent)

Brendon and I walk back into his house. Ryan and Dallon go to the studio to mess around for a bit. Me and Brendon walk silently through the hall in to the door way of his room.

"Listen I'm sorry about slapping yo-"

Brendon slams the door and his lips connect with mine passionately, I'm surprised but I kiss him back with the same force. He pushes me up against the wall. My hands run through his messy hair. His hands hold onto my waist. His body presses up against mine.

We finally pull apart after what felt like hours because we both have to breathe sadly. I know you thought it was time for smut, not yet. I'm still against the wall trying to catch my breathe. I look up and he's staring at me.

"Elana, will you be my girlfriend?"

did he just-

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