J O I N ?

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So you want to join us? These are our rules.

R U L E S~

1) You cant not be transphobic, homophobic, racist or sexist.

2) You must NOT share the password.

3) You can have up to three jobs unless told otherwise.

4) To join, give us a shout out please!

In rule three I explained you can only have up to three jobs (unless told otherwise) Is anyone wondering what the jobs are? Well, they are...

J O B S~

Writer [W]
Editor [E]
Cover Creator [CC]
Reviewer [R]
Promoter [P]
Banner Creator [B]
Contest Controlller [CoC]

Remember, up to three. Otherwise some people forget to do their jobs, making everything fall apart.

Now, if you want to join, comment this form in the comments OR PM the account.

~Quick Note~
If you are in WDKN and you get the PM, read it and then talk to Chase about your thoughts. Or, you can just leave it and let Chase handle it


F O R M~


What your real name is or what you wanna be called-



What job(s) you want-

Why should we include you?-

Remember to join you MUST give us a shout out. Thank you so much! Much love

Joining WDKNWhere stories live. Discover now