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(Warning a slight horrable flash back)
I wake up. Good? Bad? I can't tell right now I always been a light sleeper becuase of Jack. I open my eyes and look at my clock above my bed. Its 7:30am. Hey that's good, I smiled to my self, Jack sleep for 7 hour straight. Normally it would be one to two hours at a time before he wakes up screaming or crying eather in his sleep or wakeing up from one of his nightmares. I looks down to the small male in my arms. There is my little sunshine sleeping peacefully, that's a good sign. I sigh, I need to get up and go work out but I'm not going to leave Jack here. Not now not ever. I close my eyes remembering what happen a couple of months ago.
(Flash back)
We were walking back to our dorm room from our little date night at a small dinner a little ways from our school. Everything was fine, we were laughing, my arm around my jacks wast, I kiss his head. But that's when it happen when things went wrong. Just as we were pasting a allyway someone grab Jack and me and threw us in the ally way. I try to fight off the guys who pushed us down here.
"Haha look what we got here fellas two nice men" one of the fuckers said. I hold Jack closer to me his face look a of pure fear.
"Hey boss witch one do you want."another guy said.
" hmmm.... he looks like the smaller one looks good for me"
"OVER MY DEAD BODY FUCKER"  I shouted at the guy, at the same time I put Jack behind me.
" Ha, watch me" h shaped his finger and three guys jump me. I wasent exspecting this, one guy got my arms from behind and hold them before inwas able to react another guy punch my stomic repeatly. I grone in pain. I finnaly manage to speak out
But I was too late. The fuckers boss grab him and slam him him on top of a randome creat face down.
"N-no please s-stop." Jack said while squrming under him.
" Awww does baby face here wants me to stop,haha don't worry baby I'll make you feel good." He wisper in Jack's ear.
"No get the FUCK away from him" I lash out still trying to get away from these guys. One of them kick me hard in the stomach. I drop to the ground and spit up some blood.
"GAIBE" Jack screech tears spilling out.
I try to get up but I got kick again in the face, stomic, everywhere.
I hear Jack screaming . I saw him that fucker raping him.  I tryed to fight back, it was useless they just decided to knock me out . When i woke up, the fucker was done and gone. I scramble up and ran over to my jack.
"JACK!" Tears forming in my eyes. My poor Jack tears and blood on his face, he passout pants down, hes starting to brusing all over. I carefuly pick him up and run to the nerest hospital.
(End of flash back)
I started to snap out of my thoughts when I felt Jack moveing in my arms. He woke up and looks at me. He smiles God that gorges smile that could light up the whole town.
"Goodmorning sweetpea" I said to him.
"Morning" he replied.
"I have to go to the gym do you want to come you don't have to work out you can just come and watch."
Jack gigles " I could run on the treadmill" jack said.
" ok runbuns" I kicked with him.
"Gabe you know I don't like that nickname" he playfully punch my arm, I pretended to act wounded.
" well you like to run and I like your buns"
Jack starts laughing" oh my God gabe."
"Come on we gotta get up so we can go before a shit load of people go." I start to pull away from Jack a little bit.
"Nuuu-" back started to grab my arm and pull me down, but failed to do so.
" Haha come on sunshine lets go change in to work out close and go I'll treat you to some nice breakfast when were done," I told Jack.
Jack like down thinking and finaly gave in, and let go of my arm.
I walk to our dresser. Today is leg day, so I pulled out some black boy booty shorts and a black tanktop that said 'thick thighs save lives but mine don't' when I finished I look over at Jack he is wearing a light blue t shirt and black gym shorts. God he look sexsy.
"Ready?" He nods yes. Ok I walk over to the door and grab the gym bag.
"Phone, water, wallet, towel, bag, cloths, sunglasses, jacket. Jack do you want your headphones?" I called out to him.
"Umm sure, can I bring my sketch book too? "
"Sure sweetheart " I smiled at him.
I finish packing up and Jack handed me his book and pencils.
I turn to him.
"Ok let's go" I turn to go.
" are you sure you want to wear that to the gym?"
"Why? I thought you might want a little show" I did a cheese model pose still looking at him I made a duck face.
Jack blushed and giggles.
"Your a dork."
I stand up strait
"I know but I'm your dork"

(At the gym.)
there isn't a lot of people only like 5 ,that's good, jack dosent like being in loud crouded places.
"Ok let's check in" we walk over to the desk and start to sign in, "where are you going to go? Today is my leg day so I can do a quick run with you if you want."
Jack shrugs in response.
"Ok I'll run with you"
Once we finish signing in back walk over to a treat meal near the weights but not near any one.
(After the work out)
after our work out I felt my phone buz. I took it out and saw my friend Jesse had texted me.

MCCREE: howdy boi, me and hanz here is wanning to do something today wanna join??

REYES: idk me and Jack just got out of the gym and are going to go eat rn. Let me ask him though

I sigh an look at Jack,
"Hey Jack mccree and hanzo are wanning to go somewhere and want to hang out too. Do you want to join them after breakfast?"
"I fine with what ever, if you want they can join us"
"Are you sure jack?"
Jack noded.
"Ok I'll text him now"

REYES:  sure we can hang out and if you want you can join us for grub.


MCREE: well be there

MCREE: btw where are you guys going to eat?


REYES: were going home first to wash up so meet us at our dorm in 45mins.

MCCREE: Roger that boss

REYES: don't call me that


I turn to jack
"Alright jack let's go home and wash up mccree and hanzo is going to meet us at our dormn"
Jack noded.

Time skip to the restring with mcree and hanzo

Jack and I enter the small restrant I hold the door for jack, the best boyfriend I am.
"There you go love" I told him, then I lean down and kiss his check.
"Thank you" he smiles and enter throught the door.
"Hello just the two of you?" One of the waiter ask us.
" no I think our friends should be here..." I started to scan the room. Then I heard it.
"Howdey fellas" mcree shouted while frantically waveing his hands from across the room. Mccree and Hanzo were siting at a both next to each other, it was by a window looking out in to the parking lot.
I sigh and put my arm around Jack and head off in that direction. Once we got to the table a waitress ask Jack and I what we want to drink.
"Water please and a coffee" I said.
"Just water please " Jack wisper.
the watrest scrible fearusly then look up and smile
"Ok I will get that for you" she turn and went to the back to get our drinks.

(Hey fellow readers imgoing to stop here for now I will try to update 1 or 2 times a week,gold you enjoy this, and if you see any mistakes gramer wise PLEASE feel free to call me out thanks, chow chow)

safe in your arms  (a mchanzo / reaper76 au fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now