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(At the restaurant before Gabriel and jack was there)

As me and Jesse we being seated, I wanned to ask him about an idea I had. I'll ask him as soon as the watress  took our drink orders and left us I turn to Jesse.
" Jesse what would you think if I got a tattoo" I questioned him.
Jesse look at me, in my head I was waiting for a rejection of some sort like my father had.
"I knew IT! " Jesse said and snap his finger. I was honestly talken back by his reaction. I wasent exspecting that at all.
"W-what" I stamper.
"I always knew you wanned one. I was gonna suprise you by take long you to a tattoo place and get the one you wanned." He gigles slightly then kiss my cheek.
I start to feel my face head up a little I hurry my face in my hands. Jesse is always ways so sweet to me.
"T-thank you" I mumble.
"Your welcome darling" he lean on me. Our water came back with our drinks. We said our thanks and continue to look at the menus. All of the sudden mccree start waveing his arms around.
"HOWDEY FELLAS!" Mccree shouts across the room.I jumps at the suprise, then look over where Jesse was waveing at, I see Gabriel and Jack walking over to our table. Once they sat down and were settled we started a small talk about how school is going.
"I can't belive that fucking Jamison didn't get cought for that loud ass party!" Gabriel inform us obviously annoyed at that sitchuation.
"Ha what did he do blow up?" Jesse as sarcastically.
"I'm sorry to intrup but are you ready to order?" Our waitress said.
"I am" Mccree said, he then trun to us "are you fellas ready?"
"Me and jack are ready" Gabriel replied. I nod my head yes.
"Alright what can I get you guys?" She turn towards jesse.
"I'll get the biscuits and gravey please." Jesse replied.
"Ok sir" she scribble the order then turn To the next person whitch was me.
"Umm..."i scan the menu on last time "I'll have the veggi and ham omelet"I turn mt head towrds the girl and handed the menu.
"For you sir " she jesterd towards Gabriel.
" I'll have the contrey fried stake"
She scrible something again" how would you like your eggs?"
"Medium well"
"Alright, and lastly what would you like sir"
"Just pancakes"
"Alright, how many?"
"Two-" Jack was intrupted by Gabriel
"Jack that's not enough to eat..."
He then towards the watress
"add a side of eggs to that please." 
Confused she scribble what I assuming what Gabriel said...
"Gabe it's fine-" Jack was cut off again
"No meha you just work out and you need protein" gabri kiss Jack's head.
"O-ok" Jack looks down blushing and slightly embarrassed.
" Ok umm... I'm going to go at your food order place in." The waterest inform us, she turn and left towards the back.
"So I had and idea" Jesse said breaking the slightly akward scilence.
"Oh god" gabe said face palming
Me and jack giggle at that.
"Hey this is idea is a good one." Jesse said in his defence.
"Right like the time you said.-" I started to say but was cut off by Jesse, " Ok ok I get you point but I think you guys might like this!" Jesse said with a little excitment.
"Ok what is your idea Jesse?" Jack wisper.
" Thank you Jack, as I was saying I have an idea"
"Ok and the idea is..." I said my hand going on a circular motion telling him get to the point.
"Well you know how spring break is comeing up soon so why not go on a road trip?!"Jesse exclaims. Well in all honestly that took me at suprise it  was an actual normal idea... there must be a catch to this..."ok... to where" I ask consistently.
"I don't know I just thought of the idea this morning!"
"Jesse Mccree you do not think of a vacation with no location" I laugh at him and playfully punch his arm.
Jesse pretended that it hurts, I bet he wants me to kiss it better'. I laugh to my self about that, causeing every one to look at me. I just wave my hand to tell them it was nothing.
"So... where should we go then that's if we do follow through with the idea?" Jack question,but before we could start shooting out ideas out good came. After the foodwas given to the right person we started shooting out ideas.
"Well if we do go with the idea mabey Dorado or Gibraltar?" Mccree shot out, takeing a bit of his food.
" I like the idea of the first one," gabe say pointing his fork at jesse.
I like the idea too going on a road trip with them. To me it's rare that I click with someone. It's nice.
"I have to agree with Gabe..." Jack mumble, slowly takeing another bite of his pancakes.
"Wait so is this actually going to happen?!?!" Jesse ask with a suprise tone.
"Sure?" Gabe question. After a little while of chit chat of the road trip idea I notice that Jack hardly ate any of his food, he's just picking at it. Jack just look so tired. Did he get enough sleep? I need to ask him, but before I could ask him, gabe lean over to Jack.
"Me hai, are you not feeling well?"
Jack kept quite not even looking up.
"Hey me hai" gabe tryed again, shaking jack a little. Jack say up and look at him.
"Sorry I'm just tired" Jack said. Gabe let out a sigh, and pull Jack under his arm and kiss his head. 
"After you eat ALL of your food you can sleep in the car, ok?" Gabe said.
Jack noded tiredly.
"Aww did some one didnt get enough sleep?" Jesse ask in a slightly jokeing manner. Jesse does know that Jack has a hard time sleeping for long period at a time. I shot him a worning look. He just gigles slightly and puts his arm around me.
"Don't worry" he told me.
I just sigh and continue to eat.
A few mins later Jesse toss something at me. Curiously I pick up the object. It's a small packet of huckleberry jam. Confused I turn towerds the man trying to figure out what he was doing.
With that stupied grin that I love he said to me in a smooth voice.
"I'm your huckleberry"
I turn my head to the opposite side embaressed and trying to not laugh.
"God damn it mccree" I told the man. Luckily Gabriel and Jack didn't notice what happen.

hey guys this is the end of chapter two. I wanned to know who's pov I should do next, mccree or jack? Let me know in the comments please also IF you see spelling errors don't be afraid to call me out on it! , thank you fam
Hope you like the story so far...
Oh I did put a refrance LAST chapter from 50% off did any one catch it?? Let me know if you did!!!
Ok, Bye fam!!!

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