Part 26: Sorry

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~Taehyung's POV~

"Did she believe it?" Hoseok asked and I nodded but with a worried face.

"What if she does something stupid?" I asked after realising what kind of mess I just caused.

"Oh yeah, what if she does?" Hoseok said and my mind started blowing screwed up again Kim Taehyung.

"I need to go" I exclaimed running out to my car. Where could she be?

Ring ring.

"Hello?" I answered the call.

"Try the Han river, she's always there" Hoseok suggested.

"Okay" I agreed and turned to the opposite direction. I took out my phone and dialed Sam's number see if she could help or not.

"What do you want?" Sam asked in a pissed voice.

"Can you help me contact Ji Eun? She's not answering her phone"

"What did you do this time? Don't tell me you pulled another prank" She shot making me flinch a bit.

"Yah! I'm driving right now! And yes I did and I don't know where she is right now" I explained as I heard her sigh ever so deeply.

"You're going to die the next time I see you" She warned and quickly hung up.

~Ji Eun's POV~


Her eyes were getting very watery and so were mine, I can't believe it, after 14 years, I finally met her, my beloved mother.

"S-Song Ji Eun" She cried as she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Eomma, I missed you so much!" I cried in her shoulders.

"Mianhe Ji Eun-ah" She cried even harder as she rubbed my back.

"It's okay eomma, I'm here now" I parted from the hug to examine her face closely.

"I remember when you were just 4, struggling to put your shoes on" She chuckled as she gently wiped the tears off my face.

"I really can't remember anything" I laughed.




Right now, I'm at my mother's house, it's not too big and it's not too small. I scanned the room and found a picture of a man in a suit, is that my father?

"Where's father?" I excitedly asked her as I waited for my cup of tea.

"Your father...he's dead" She announced and the smile on my face was completely wiped off.

"Is it him? My fake father, Kang Min Hyuk?" I asked in tears and she nodded 'yes'.

"Why is he always wanting our money? Doesn't he have enough?!" I yelled standing up from my seat.

"I'm going to kill that bastard" I bursted in anger but was held back by my mother.

"It's useless now, there's nothing I can do anymore" She sniffed trying hard not to let the tears flow.

"Nothing is useless when I'm deputy CEO" I smirked.

"What are you planning to do?" She asked in curiosity.

"I had a plan before I came to MH building society"

"In 2 days, the big meeting of the company will be broadcasted on most of the channels, then, I will expose him and his family" I explained as I confidently crossed my arms in front of my chest.

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