Poem~ 22

13 4 1

There is a rock down by the valley,

Larger than any I have ever seen before,

There are colours all over of green and blue and red,

As well as a entire rainbow more.

Everyday I sit by the rock,

Trying to find reasons for its beauty,

My life has been agitated and filled of melancholy,

But this rock for some reason soothes me.

One day when the valley was hit by a storm,

I rushed to the rock to protect it,

By the time I had got there it was already to late,

A bolt of pure lightning had struck it.

With a sizzling noise and smell of ash,

The rock split open in two,

Inside I expected a whirlpool of colours,

Yet there was nothing not even blue.

I realised it is the people who have shells of grey,

Who contain such wonder and beauty,

And those who display colour and action,

Are suffering full of misery.

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