Chapter 24

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"Airish! Coffee?" William ask

We went in the coffee station. "Can I have just chocolate drink?" I ask
"Yes of course. Why not right?"
"Hmm, good."

After how many minutes. He brought it. "Here."
I nod in response. Ayiesh

"By the way you okay?" He ask
"Yeah why?"
"You look worried?!. I don't know your expression."
"Oh, its about the invitation my enemy said. About next month, and next month would be tomorrow."
"Why what's wrong?"
"She invited me in her birthday. I received the invitation yesterday. Whom should I bring?. She said I need to bring a friend."
"How about me?"
"Seriously?!. That's really too much. You helped me too much. I don't need help by you, you know."
"When will that be?"
"Uh, tomorrow."
"Give me your phone?"
"Just give it to me." He demanded.

He open something. What is he doing. "How about her?" He ask
He let me look to the picture in my gallery. Anne?.
"Yeah, that's a great idea. But how about you?" I ask
"Well, you said that the occasion will be held tomorrow. I have also to attend an occasion, I'm sorry if I can't go with you."
"Oh, its okay. You've done too much for me. William." I said and grin

His really kind to me. He always do everything for me. But caution, I felt different it isn't love at all. Weird I guess. I missed someone. Well maybe I missed Anne.

"Airish!" A voice exclaim
"Anne, Lexi, Perry and Beyer? What are you doing here?" I ask
"And whose that?" Perry ask and cross his arms and Beyer raise one of his brows.
"Hi bro's I'm William. Friend of Airish."
"Don't call us bro, we were never friends."

High blood?. Relax guys, his so kind to me. You know. "Perry, Beyer. Be kind to him." Lexi said
"You too Lexi? You liked him?" Perry said
"His cute you know." Lexi said
"Just let her Perry. If she gets hurt well we don't care." Beyer said in bitterness

I inhaled deeply and stood up. "Wait, wait, wait. Calm down guys. William is a kind person." I said
"Yeah, I know." Anne said and hug me. "I missed you." She whispers.
"Me too." I replied

Next Lexi hugged me and then the boys. "Um, William this is Lexi —"
"Hi William." Lexi said
William just nodded
"— this is Anne, Beyer and Perry." The three of them smirked

I thought Anne liked him. Something's wrong. "I can't trust him." Anne whispered
Okay, never mind. They don't know William at all. Ayiesh!.

"Okay, so me and Anne will go somewhere." I murmur
"You'll left us here with this guy unknown?" Perry ask
I nodded. They seem they don't like him.

"Its fine Airish. You two go." Lexi said
"Lexi!" Beyer exclaim
"What?" Lexi replied
"The three of us let's go." Perry said

"Its okay Airish. People always judge you know." He said in a calm voice
I nodded and left him.

My monster step mom give bruises again. I hate her.

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