Fallen Down

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Someone is running.

Someone is at the top of Mt Ebbot.

Someone isn't paying attention.

Someone has fallen down....


Someone fell down the high cliff of Mt Ebbot quicker than lightning.What were they doing? I have no clue but this wouldn't end good. They fell onto a bunch of golden yellow flowers that broke their fall.Time past and the human did not wake.Are they dead? Or not?

The human slowly woke up and looked around, accept their eyes were shut closed. Are they Blind? Possibly. They did not speak or scream for help they only stood up and gazed at the huge cavity in the mountain from which they fell.They hesitated to move forward into the cavern below.The cavern was dark , very dark.How could they see with their eyes closed? It doesn't matter their fate is sealed just like the last 7 humans before them...Their fate is,



I suddenly opened my eyes.I realized i was back in the underground. "GASTER!" I screamed as i jolted up. I looked around frantically looking for someone, anyone! But nobody came. "where is everyone?" I mumbled. I slowly looked at my hands. "what these arent my hands?" I said out loud. My hands were partially see through its like im half vanished. my body is also like this...Last thing i remember im on my bed as my vision blurred out.

I look around until i hear someone , or something move in the darkness.


The human who had just fallen down slowly walked towards the cavern but swiftly turned around towards a voice.It was a ghost.Not just any ghost a HUMAN ghost.The human did not speak but only turned with surprise.

???: "Hello? who are you?"

They asked, But the human didn't speak they only used sign language.The ghost looked at them with a weird look but nodded.

???: "Your names Frisk? Hi Frisk I'm Chara"

The human smiled as the ghost- Chara began to panic.Frisk moved their hands to ask them what is wrong.

Chara: "I dont know its just last thing i remember i fall asleep and now im over at this part of the underground again... and im see through."

Frisk hesitated to answer them but decided to tell them they are a ghost and they appear to look dead.

Chara: "wait so if im dead...and there is no way out that means the plan failed! what about Gaster is he alright?!"

Chara began to ghostly breath heavily.Frisk looked confused but decided to walk onward.

Chara: "there is no way im staying here ive gotta find-"

Chara mumbled to themselves but when they tried to run away a force pushed them back like a sling shot towards Frisk. "oof" Chara fell onto the floor and phased straight through Frisk.

Chara: "LET ME GO!"

They yelled as they tried and tried to run away from Frisk but it was no use.It appeared they were stuck together.

Chara: "great guess im stuck with you then..."

Chara crossed their ghostly arms and huffed.Frisk smiled and signaled this to not be a bad thing.Chara thought about it but still huffed.Frisk decided to walk away but Chara stood still.It didn't matter if Chara was stubborn because the force what binds these two made Chara get dragged along weather they liked it or not.

Frisk and Chara went into an opening.A light from above shone down on a small patch of grass and in the middle sat a single black flower, Frisk looked at Chara who glared at the flower and shook their head.

???: "Howdy! Im Flowey, Flowey the Flower! Gosh you must be so confused!"

Frisk jumped at the flower who started to speak and Chara began to laugh.It seemed as though the Flower couldn't see Chara as they were a ghost.

Flowey: "Down here you can get power by sharing love! here let me share some with you~"

Chara glared at Flowey as Frisk reached out at one of the white pellets. Chara spoke up.

Chara: "erm Frisk i wouldn't Trust it if i were you, i mean look at it" Chara pointed towards the black flower who sat there happily.

Frisk signaled to Chara that He seems friendly.Flowey saw frisk speaking to someone but who?Maybe they have an imaginary friend? Non the less frisk touched the white pellet.Their HP was lowered.


Chara: "I TOLD YOU!"

Flowey surrounded Chara and Frisk with pellets and before he was about to kill Frisk something Blue appeared in the distance.It was a Bone surrounded by a blue light. It hit Flowey making his attack dissapear and Frisk's HP to max out.

From the Darkness approached a tall Skeleton.

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