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They appeared infront of the barrier room again.It was like Papyrus never died.

"Ok so now what do we do?" Chara asked Frisk. 'We go to Alphys!' They signaled.

"Whoa wait a minute! your trusting the flower who tried killing you TWICE!" Frisk ignored Chara.

Frisk phone rang. "Hey Punk could you meet me at asgores house? got something for you to deliver for me...please?" Undyne spoke. Frisk nodded and headed for snowdin.

"Ok deliver this to Alphys please AND DON'T READ IT OR YOU WILL DIE! thanks alot bestie!" Undyne handed Frisk the letter. Chara flinched at Undynes words...Bestie. Frisk looked over to some gates that were down a pathway that was over grown by black trees.

'What is that?'  Frisk asked Undyne. "Oh that? The graveyard! lots of people are berried there...well their ashes are heh!" Undyne waved goodbye before leaving Frisk with the letter. Chara sighed.

"Frisk you mind going into the library and asking where Gaster is, truth is I cant exactly do anything as a Spirit thats attached to you" Frisk nodded keeping their head down. They didn't want to hurt Chara.

Frisk entered the book shop and asked politely. They didn't understand. Frisk wrote on paper.

"The Prince?" The women asked.Charas face lit up. "Sorry hun erm Ill give you directions ok?" She spoke timidly. "Ok once you walk out turn up and left follow the trees okay? bye!" Frisk nodded and waved.

Charas face was happy and they were smiling. Frisk walked up and turned left and walked through the overgrown tree pathway. They came to two gates.

"THE HECK!?" Chara yelled. "That women gave us DIRECTIONS TO THE FRICKING GRAVEYARD!" Chara screamed in frustration. Frisk gulped. 'Maybe he is in there?'  They asked trying to say that he was infact dead.

"why would he be in there of all places!?" Chara asked annoyed. "Unless your trying to tell me something..." Charas face dropped and Frisk saw it in their eyes that they finally realized why Chara couldn't find their friend. "no...NO!" Chara yelled before flying into the yard forcing Frisk to follow behind them. Chara paniced tears forming in their eyes.

Frisk lost sight of Chara but they knew they had to be close to them to not be forced back. Frisk saw the ghost staring at a monument gravestone.It was worn out and covered in moss. Chara floated there frozen.

"hes gone isn't he..." Chara sobbed sniffling a bit. Frisk wiped the moss from the gravestone to reveal the name.Chara let out a scream of pain and sorrow. "Its all my fault!"  Chara collapsed to the floor and cried in a ball.

'Its ok...'  Frisk tried but was greeted by a hiss and snarl. "NO ITS NOT OK YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING!" Chara yelled before flying away in a fit of anger and sadness.before being flung back to Frisk.

Frisk looked at the grave and the letter.They had a mission. They must continue.Weather Chara likes it or not.

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