Dead Flowers and A New Life

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Two days went by very fast. It was the 100th anniversary of Chara and Gasters death. No one was in a good mood accept Flowey.He found it quite amusing.

"Frisk can you get that book for me!" Flowey begged.Frisk grabbed the black book from the top of sans' bookcase. "Open it to page 106 please" Flowey smiled happily. Frisk found it creepy but they did what flowey asked.

Flowey read the book as He began to feel ill again. "Ugh I think im going to die!" Flowey whined.

"At least your still alive right?" Frisk sighed since flowey kept complaining about his life.

"So!? , I dont know if you know this but Im just a husk of determination and dust from my old body WITH NO SOUL AHAH"Flowey laughed.

"umm so how do we know if a flower is ill?" Frisk asked very confused.

"No idea, but can we go down to the old castle underground?" Flowey asked in a pleading voice.

"Ok" Frisk nodded.


Frisk Walked into the abandoned castle that was underground and walked into the room that Chara said they shared with Gaster. Frisk rummaged through the drawers looking for things.Frisk placed flowey under a lamp as he began to feel weak.

"What if you die... for real"Frisk asked their voice cracking from the tears that formed in their eyes.

"Then...  I die, Everything dies eventually Frisk." Flowey smiled his stem ready to snap from the weight.

"But.." Frisk wiped their tears.

"Dont you start to cry! If I die I die ok? Just thanks for being my friend I guess" Flowey groaned and looked away ashamed of his cheesy speech.

Frisk nodded and walked into the room and looked through the wardrobe. Frisk pulled out a set of clothing from one of the wardrobes. A black sweater with white stripes, brown pants and black shoes. They didn't look like Charas.

Frisk walked back and screamed in shock and horror. They saw Flowey but he was not moving. He looked more like a wilted flower than anything. Frisk dropped the clothes and ran towards the flower and picked up the stem in hopes to wake him up. Frisk's tears fell from their eyes as they saw this was now just a normal flower.

"No no NO!" Frisk cried trying to make the flower stand on its own. It was dead and there was nothing Frisk could do about it.

"I didn't even get to...say goodbye" Frisk mumbled. Frisks attention was brought to a light coming from under the book he was reading. Frisk pulled the book away to find a small damaged monster soul sat there. It looked as thought it should have been broken and turned to dust by now. Frisk noticed a faint red glow around it. It must be Floweys old soul, now that he is dead the soul must have left his prison body. The red glow must be the determination that was injected into the flower before he fused with it.

"...Flowey?" Frisk asked but hesitated to pick it up. Frisk ran into the kitchen and picked up and cookie container and scooped the soul up in it. This was so they didn't absorb the soul.It was already damaged they tried not to damage it more.

Frisk smirked at a sudden idea. They looked around the castle for a vacuum cleaner and smiled once they found an old one in a storage cupboard. They grabbed the set of clothing and placed it in their bag along with the normal flower and soul container that held the monster soul. Frisk grabbed the book and carried it in the other arm while the other arm carried the vacuum cleaner.

Frisk waled into the 'throne room' and saw the flowers still there.The throne and banners were gone as they were taken to the new castle. Frisk grabbed the old monster soul and placed the container on the floor. Frisk waited and waited hoping their theory would be correct.

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