Snowy Sled Adventures

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Soo Im currently snowed in my house and since I cant goto school (Thank god) Im bored so enjoy a chapter today 😂 (Me being snowed in might have also inspired this chapter)

Chara was currently sleeping  soundly until they felt light shine on their eyes for a second before it vanished. They thought they heard footsteps in their room. It went silent until something jumped on their bed.

"Wake up." 

"Ugh..." Chara groaned and look at the clock. 11am.

"Good Morning!" Gaster smiled.

"Why did you wake me up, Oh my god your freezing!" Chara whined.

"Look outside!" 

"What?" Chara sighed before running to the window and opening the curtains. They were greeted by a white world covered by a thick blanket of snow. The sun reflected onto the snow maiking everything bright. Chara hissed.

"Why is it so bright!?" They yelled rubbing their eyes.

"Its snowing!!" Gaster jumped from the bed. Chara noticed he was already ready.


"COME ON!" Gaster pushed the human into the bathroom to get dressed.


Chara lasted a few moments in the cold before they became an ice cube.

"Its s-so cold..." They shivered. They wore a big pale green coat, gloves, a red hat and a yellow and green scarf.

"Oh stop being such a downer!" Gaster snickered.

"Easy for you to say! You dont have skin so how would you know how I feel!" 

"Just because I dont have skin doesn't mean my bones cant go cold." Gaster sighed.

"Now what do we do?" 


"Hey guys!" Frisk yelled running to them with a red 3 seater sledge.

"Hey Frisk!" Chara smiled with red rosey cheeks from the cold.

Gaster turned magenta. "H-hey!" 

"Wanna go sledging with me? Asgore went to go buy some hot coco so Im kind of alone right now." Frisk explained. She wore a baby blue thick coat with pink ear muffs and blue jeans completed with brown boots. She also wore baby pink gloves that had bows on them.


"Where will we sledge down?" Chara asked following Frisk.

"Theres a few snow slopes down town its not far, its really fun." Frisk explained.

They reached the snow slopes. Gaster made a gulping sound as he looked up at the height of them. 

"A-are you sure this is safe?" He stuttered.

"Don't be a big baby Gaster! Come on it will be fun!" Chara shoved his arm playfully.

They reached the top of the giant hill within a few moments. Frisk placed the sledge down and sat on the front. Gaster was forced to sit in the middle by Chara. Chara sat on the back gripping onto Gaster for dear life.

"You scared Chara?" Gaster grinned looking back.


"Okay guys get ready?" Frisk grabbed the rope on the front of the red sledge.

"w-wait Im not-!" Gaster panicked.



"3!" Frisk smiled excitedly.

"FRISK WAIT I'M NOT READY-" Chara yelled trying to grip on tighter.


"WHAT THAT WASN'T FIVE SECO-AHHHH!" Chara screamed as they has already began sledging down. 

They went at full speed down the slopes and trying not to knock people down until the sledge accidentally hit a small hill causing them all to go flying and land before zooming along the icy street paths.

"FRIIISK STOP THIS SLEDGE RIGHT NOWWW!" Gaster yelled gripping onto the human tightly.

"I dont know h-how!" Frisk stuttered pulling back on the rope before it snapped.

"Oh shoot..." She muttered holding  in her hand. The sledge got faster and faster.

"Watch it!" A passer by yelled at them as they almost knocked them down.

"Sorry!" Frisk screamed as the sledge didn't want to stop.

"Frisk!!!! LOOK OUT!" Chara yelled, eyes widening at the tree they were headed for.

"AHHHH!" The three screamed at the sledge knocked into the tree trunk causing them all to go flying off of it.

Frisk sat up brushing the snow from her hair. She coughed and looked around worriedly.

"Gaster? Chara?" She yelled out. Chara burst up from the snow they were buried in and gasped.

"I saw my life flash before my eyes!" Chara gasped with shaking breaths.

"Gaster!" Frisk yelled out for the skeleton.

She heard small muffled screams until she spotted him upside down as he was stuck in a pile of snow.

"Chara help me pull him out." 

The two got him out and he yelped when he hit the floor.

"I've had enough for one day..." He sighed.


"How about we goto Tori's now? Asgore should have got the hot coco by now!" Frisk suggested as she picked up the broken sledge.

"Good plan." 

"Im up for that!" Chara smiled.

They all went to Tori's house and enjoyed some hot chocolate with their friends.

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