Dear Diary - Ending

750 41 11

*Title: Dear Diary
Genre: Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 1056
Summary: Dear Diary, how typical to say that.. But this is the first time I'll be writing this down. I just needed to let out these feelings. So today, on the 15th of April, I...

A/N: Hi! :D I'm back! I didn't come back to Wattpad for a few months since nobody reads my stories. Lolz. But when I came back to check, I got surprised! Really! Thanks guys for taking the time to read, comment and vote! :D So I got the inspiration to make another chapter. :3 I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. And read the author's notes at the end as well. Teehee~

GaLe forevah!!! <3

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail. It's Hiro's. And neither do I own the diary. It's Levy's. I own nothing :'(


That was it. The last entry, written on the 15th of May. Gajeel stared at the last words she had written, mixed feelings flooding into him, ranging from happiness.. to sorrow...

He was too late.

Rarely had he been 'too late' with her. He was able to catch Laxus' lightning before it hit her, twice. He was able to save her in the S-class exams before she was sliced into shreds. Heck, he was even able to gain her friendship after what he had done back in Phantom Lord. He thought he could always keep her safe, in fact, he KNEW he could... Until he was proven wrong.

Levy never returned. She never returned from her mission with Shadow Gear. That was it. That was all he needed to know. But life had to be so much more cruel. Her two teammates returned though, bringing nothing but the sad news and her bandana. Not even her body was with them.

If only he knew... If only he had known that the day before that was the last time he would see her, then he could've told her. He would've, swallowing all his pride and telling her straight out how he felt about her. But it was too late. He can never have a chance to do that again. He missed his now-or-never chance.

The two injured men told their tale after hours of mourning inside the guild, when they felt everybody was ready to know the events that had led to this. Before that, Lucy bawled her eyes out, a cry that was from a person who had just lost a very dear friend. Jet and Droy seemed to have cried enough on their journey back home and just sat there, eyes fixated on the floor. Lily faced away from everybody but his shoulders shook and the Dragon Slayer, knowing him well, knew the exceed was fighting back tears. But everyone expected him to be the saddest of them all. Yet he just sat there at the bar, munching on some scrap metal with his eyes closed. But nobody knew how he truly felt. Nobody really understood him as well as Levy and Lily did. Outside, he seemed not to care too much. Inside, he was dying. Misery slowly engulfed his soul, loneliness filling his heart, numbness in his mind... His eyes would be hollow if you look into them. The light, only seen by Levy, that had once shone in them was gone and was now dull. Nobody else noticed. His words emotionless and when it comes to her, would be full of pain. His anguish was beyond anyone else's.

The details on the mission flyer was deficit and never mentioned an ambush party hidden away in the dense green that surrounded their destination. They were attacked. Luckily, Levy thought quick and was able to escape with her teammates. But her plan backfired on herself. She was caught and with magic, suddenly vanished into thin air. She was gone, wiped off the face of the Earthland without a trace except for her bandana that had fallen off when she was pulled by the hair. Just as simple as that.. She wasn't even given a chance to say her last words. It was a tragedy that had struck them all hard. Either of the two Shadow Gear men wished they were in her place instead.

Gajeel had taken the mission and once attacked, pounded every single person in the ambush party giving them as much mercy as they had given the bluenette. He almost forgot to finish the mission itself but it did nothing to fill the hole in his heart. It only fulfilled his need for revenge. Whatever he would do, nothing will bring her back. She was gone now. It's too late. He had lost the woman he loves...

'I love you so much!'

Those were like her last words to him since she never got to say hers. It felt good yet it hurts so much to read it. Even though it was just hand writing, he felt how much feeling there was in it. But he will never be able to hear her say those sweet words with her angelic voice.. And neither could he tell her how he felt as well. Everything will go only as far as a dream, a figment of his imagination.

He stared at a well shaped cement buried halfway down the ground. He was sitting across it as he studied it intently as if he's never been there. It had intricate designs from certain books chosen by Lucy, things only a  certain bookworm would understand  completely. He had tried interpreting it but to no avail. But down at the center was a name he could never forget.


And down at the bottom...


For once, tears threatened to stream down his eyes and by now, he was no longer strong enough to fight them back. But Levy once said that sometimes, a man crying shows that he is strong enough to show his feelings. And so a river ran down his face, a spectacle last seen several years ago. He wished, if Levy could see him, his tears would show how he felt.

He touched the cold surface of her tombstone, running his fingers along the carvings and onto her name. He stopped at the word 'Lover', wondering what made Fairy Tail agree to write it down as well. Had they known all along how she felt? Had he really been that dense on her? So many questions ran through his mind but most of his answers were written down in an elegant font in the notebook he had in his hands, tied together by a certain yellow bandana.

He stood and looked up, pocketing the notebook in the process. Tears still streamed down his eyes, showing no signs of stopping anytime soon.

"Levy McGarden.. I love you too." he quietly whispered into the nothing yet still hoping it would somehow reach his angel. He glanced one last time at the stone before finally heading back for the day.

He took out a small black notebook and a pen from his back pocket and began scribbling as he walked.

Dear Diary,

Tch. Still sounds stupid.

Day 5 without Levy..



A/N: Noooo~!!! I had killed Dear Levy-chan! o.O

But here is why I asked you to read this. I couldn't choose between two endings so I'm writing and posting both. The other/alternate ending, which will be in the next chapter, will be different from this.. So uhm.. Well.. Just don't expect too much.

Anyway, I hope you liked this. :D see ya next time! Thanks for reading 'till the end!

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