A new beggining

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1160 word count. Enjoy!

I wake up early and look at my phone for any new notifications but I don't see any. So I go to my bathroom and put music on and hop in the shower after getting un dressed. I wash my hair and body then turn the shower off. I wrap a towel around myself humming. I grab my phone walking to my closet thinking.

I grab my bra and underwear putting the, on then I slip on a high waisted skirt and a long sleeved grey crop top with the sleeves having holes. I go back to the bathroom and blow dry my hair then brush it. I grab my curling iron and curl my hair then look over myself in the mirror. I do a spin agreeing then grab my black boot heels and zip them up grabbing my phone and bag.

I wait outside for my friend then hear my phone go off and I unlock it opening up the app. I smile looking at who messaged:

Good morning sunshine, how are you today?

  I'm doing good just waiting for my friend to pick me up.

  Ahhhh well I have to go my bus is here, I'll talk to you after school.

   Alright bye ❤️😝

I look up to see my friend and I walk to her car climbing in. "Hey Cas" I look at her smiling as she is just staring. "Wha-" she cuts me off.

"SPILL! What happened between you and that guy from last night I know you guys talked." I laugh as Cas flips.
I tell her nothing happened we just gave names and then she dropped it.

(Skipping boring ride to school)

I get out of the car and push ,y light pink bangs out of my face grabbing my side bag. I walk past my crush and blush walking into the school. Cas looks at me weirdly and I just shake my head and head to class.

"Sooo hatchi do you think anything will happen between you and that boy?" I giggle and shake my head.

"1st his name is Sam and he's sweet but I don't know.. he's a year younger then me and doesn't even live around here... and it's actually a girl just transgender and pretty cute might I add" I say with a wink and we both laugh until the teacher comes in. I sit in my seat and the rest of the day flies by boringly.

I get to lunch and take ,y phone out to text Sam
Hey! I know your probably busy at school and all but I'm bored in lunch and am alonneee xD

I sigh and sit in the library until my phone buzzes and a smile forms on my face.

Hey. Yea I'm not busy I'm in lunch as well. Want  y number to FaceTime?


(1) 703-645-8871
(NOT A REAL NUMBER... I think)

I put the number into my phone and walk out of the library calling it and I start blushing once he picks up.
"H-hey!" I stutter and smile.
"Hey Kat" he smiles.
"Kat?" I question and he nods
"You wear that bell and have pained whiskers so I'll call you Kat" I blush. "Alright.. so ho-" I get cut off by Cas tackling me and I scream.

"HATCHI HATCHI HATCHI!!!" She asks in a panic.
"Yes Cas?" I ask and groan rubbing my head.
"L-Lui... he-he asked me out..." she scratches her head and I frown laying my phone on a locker and I sit up.
"Go for it..." I say with a cracked voice and she frowns to.
"No... plus... I like Alley..." I gasp and shake her.
"YOU LIKE ALEC! And why do you call him alley hahaha" she blushes and gets up. "See ya Cassy" she waves and runs off.

I roll over and grab ,y phone apologizing to Sam about her and he just smiles. His smile is so ducking cute! AHHH dimples my weakness xD. I blush a little and the bell rings as I say bye and go back to class.

Once school is over I finally head home walking. Since Cas is going on a date with Alec I decided why not walk right? I found out that Sam lived miles away and it was sad since he was 2 hours behind bleehhh.

I decided to go to the park on the way home and I sit on the swings staring at the sky above me. I stop moving and the. I feel a push and turn around to see Lui. I glare and then grab my bags walking off.

"Hatch." He tries but I ignore "HaTcH." Ignored! "HATCHICO!" I turn to him and snap.
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT LUI!" He looks taken back a little and then I roll my eyes "never mind I don't want to hear it" I say and walk home.

Skip the boring walk home.

I unlock the front door to an empty house. As usual. I walk to the kitchen and grab an apple and start eating it. I'm normally home alone since I turned about 13 when my mom found out I like the same gender. I guess she's homophobic and we just.. grew apart.
My dad on the other hand was never around he left when I was a baby sadly. Didn't phase me why be sad when I didn't know him right? Right 😊

I jump on the bed in my room and text Sam.
H: heyyy out of school?
S: just released what's up?
H: just bored and wanted to know if you could talk.
S: sure ft?
H: yeeee

Once I hit send a few seconds later my phone buzzes and I accept the call from Sam.
"Heeyyy" I say and smile
" hey how are you?" He smiles back  and I blush a little.
"Better now..." I blush more and giggle
"O-oh.. heh.." he scratches the back of his head and then I gasp loudly getting an idea. He looks at me with curiosity.

"LETS MEET UP!" He looks confused as I say that.
"How." He asks
"My mom is never home and I have a car and some spare money tell me where you live. I won't tell you when I'm coming it will be a surprise" I giggle and he looks unsure. "Come on Sam let loose a little :3" I giggle and he sighs defeated
"Alright alright." He send me his address and I grin wildly.

This is MY new beginning...

Soooooo I tried I know I haven't updated I was in the hospital yesterday sadly lol I'm an idiot :3 I left with nothing wrong but I do have to wear a brace to make sure my leg is fine. Anyway I hope you like the chapter :33 I will try to update more!

Sorry for any typos
CHAOI!!! Kisses* 😘☺️

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