Chapter 21

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August POV

I woke up out my bed at 8 after having a long ass night last night with the girls riding my back and shit all over the fucking house. I had Kay and Ayanna for the weekend while my ma had Chay and Mya.

I got put my bed and took my shower and then got dressed for the day. I walked out my room and then into Ayanna and Kay's room and they where awake and playing.

August: Good morning girls.

Ayanna: Morning daddy.

Kay: Morning uncle Aug.

August: I'm gonna need you guys to get ready so Kay take a bathe in my bathroom while I get Ayanna ready.

Kay: ok.

She ran out the room and I grabbed Ayanna and went into the bathroom that was in this room and I gave her a bathe.

I got done and then dried her off getting her dressed and stuff and the did her hair in a ponytail which was easy cause she's so well behaved.

I got done and took her downstairs and sat her at the table.

August: What you want for breakfast bby.

Ayanna: Mac and Cheese but only this much.

She held up her hands and made a small circle on the counter. She's so smart, I smiled at her and nodded my head kissing her on the cheek.

August: Don't move I'm gonna go check on Kay.

She nodded and I gave her my room and then I headed upstairs and back into the girls room to see Kay Kay putting on her blouse cause she was dressed already.

August: Need and help bbyg.

Kay: Well not really cause my hair is already.

I nodded my head and watched her put on her shoe and tie her lasses and then walked out going downstairs.

I followed behind her and gave her, her breakfast and ate some myself.

Later that day


I just left from my hair appointment with Antony my hair stylist and I must say I'm loving my hair yo.  I was planning on going back to get it cut in a bob.

(Courant hair style)

I was now on my way over to Roeses boutique to get some shopping done cause she said she'll be over there today

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I was now on my way over to Roeses boutique to get some shopping done cause she said she'll be over there today.

I pulled up and got out getting my bag and stuff, I locked up my car doors and went inside. She had jus stacked up the rocks with new stuff so I was going to shop till I drop.

I walked in and stood at the counter waiting on this bitch to look up. When she did she had face that looked like she was upset.

Tia: Hey wify.

Adopted By August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now