Molossia Is Left In The Dark About Something

741 26 64


whiteandnerdy - Estonia

SmolLatvianBean - Latvia

IceIce-Baby - Iceland

RiceRice-Baby - Hong Kong

MeiMei - Taiwan

Poker-Queen - Monaco

CuteLittleFishy - Seychelles

RepublicMolossia - Molossia

2HuttRiverDollarsPlz- Hutt River

SparklySebo - Seborga

BeingRichIsNice - Luxembourg

Liechtenstein - Liechtenstein

VeitWillKickYourAssNam - Vietnam



2HuttRiverDollarsPlz: Luxxxxxxx I miss you alreadyyyyyy ;∩; ;◠;

RepublicMolossia: what's with those creepy faces

RepublicMolossia: and your lack of proper grammar like usual?

2HuttRiverDollarsPlz: They are not creepy, they are sad because I'm sad.

RepublicMolossia: why the hell are you so sad

2HuttRiverDollarsPlz: Because, you ninny, I'm on a plane traveling back to Australia.

RepublicMolossia: don't you live there

2HuttRiverDollarsPlz: Yes, but I'm traveling away from where I want to be D:

2HuttRiverDollarsPlz: I only get to see Lux a few times a year, and after world meetings(which I'm not allowed to attend boo).

2HuttRiverDollarsPlz: I don't want to leave him again...

BeingRichIsNice: I'm so sorry Oscar! I wish you could have stayed longer </3

BeingRichIsNice: And I already miss you too.

BeingRichIsNice: I'll see you at the next world meeting. It's really soon isn't it?

~Message Between 2HuttRiverDollarsPlz and BeingRichIsNice~

2HuttRiverDollarsPlz: <3

BeingRichIsNice: <3

2HuttRiverDollarsPlz: See you at the world meeting then. :3


SparklySebo: #goals

RiceRice-Baby: this is cute

IceIce-Baby: it's thawing my cold dead heart

RiceRice-Baby: you have a heart? i thought you were born without one

IceIce-Baby: you fucker

whiteandnerdy: run

SmolLatvianBean: uh oh

IceIce-Baby: no im not mad dont make him leave

IceIce-Baby: hong come back ily

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