Almost to Extinction

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Okay so I realized that I never gave Nick's mother a name. If you have any suggestions please comment, but for now her name will be Stella. 

Stella's Pov
"Nick, I have to tell you the full story. I have to tell all of you the full story."  We all walked to the court room and sat around around the table.

"Okay seriously, what is going on?" Alpha Xavier asked.

"Well, that's why we are all here. I want to explain about Nick and Nicole."  It was going to be a long story, but we all had time.

"Shouldn't we wait until Nicole wakes up?"

"Yes, Xavier we should wait. But this story is going to take some time. So would you rather wait, or hear it now?"

"Fine, continue."

"Nick and Nicole are mates. Yes, she may have been mates with Xavier, but that's all an illusion. You have these feelings for her, but they are fake. Xavier, your true mate is out there, it just isn't Nicole."

"Why, must you people continue lying to me? She is my mate, I know she is. I feel it, my wolf feels it. She just has to be."

"She isn't, I'm sorry to say; but she and Nick are destined to be together. No matter who tries to get in their way. Nicole has this sort of bond with Nick, and it's a very strong bond. I would even go as far to say it's a deadly bond."

"Why is it deadly?" Xavier continued to interrupt my story.

"Can you please stop with the questions? I'm trying to tell the story, your questions will be answered."


"To answer your question, it is a deadly bond due to what she has said. Nicole, right before she passed out, she stated, "Must protect mate at all cost, no matter the number of casualties." Now that is the problem. That statement nearly wiped out the supernatural population." There was dead silence so I continued.

"Nick and Nicole have been together for centuries, not that they remember but nothing can break their bond. Those two put together are the most powerful supernatural creatures. I don't know what made Nicole like that but she is not to be messed with when it comes to Nick. There is something inside of her that completely takes over when something bad is happening to Nick.

If it feels that Nick is threatened or can't handle it, then it comes out. I feel like it acts on its own. It's very rare to just "happen," but due to Nicole not being around Nick for so long, that thing inside of her is a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode. My guess is anything happening to Nick, even the smallest things would set her off. I don't know how we will be able to stop it. We weren't even able to stop it last time."

This time Nick said something, "So you're saying that I could fall down the stairs, and that thing inside her would take over?"

"I don't know, but lets hope not. It was the year 1684, Nick was about to die.  The humans didn't know about us, but when they found out it wasn't good. They wanted to take Nick because they thought he was the most powerful. But they knew nothing of Nicole.

They took Nick from us, and we couldn't do anything about it because we were all drugged, everyone but Nicole. They just assumed that she was normal, but they were dead wrong.  We woke up and Nick's screams could be heard from miles away. He was being tortured, and Nicole hadn't come into full power yet. But we all knew that she would be the most powerful of us all combined.

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