I'm in a hell full of populars

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Chapter 1: I'm in a hell full of populars

Toward the end of freshman year I  gained the tittle of "the nerd" and it stuck with me all the way through high school. I guess in a way I was a nerd, the typical appearance, straight A's and ofcourse the black frames around my eyes. Everyone ignored me all the time like I didnt excist, well everyone except Jayden my best friend.

During middle school we always sat in the far corner of the cafeteria talking about our lives when were everyone's boss. Everyday it was only him and I in our own little circle being ignored by everyone else, nothing changed in highschool either. We stayed being best friends and the tittle of "the nerds" followed us around everywhere. Unlike Jayden I didn't mind the tittle I could care less about what everybody else thought.

Now, during our second year of college we are still best friends but we have become a bit more social with the world around us. We have a few friends, Brooklyn, Isaac and Leah which were also the nerds.

Brooklyn is the prettiest of us all in my opinion. She stands tall at 5'8 with her hair dangling to her waist in blonde ringlets. She has a pair of glasses as well but prefers to wear her contacts. Everything about her screams "NEXT TOP MODEL!" but she doesn't like to admit it. In fact she is always complaining about her appearance.

Isaac is handsome he has dark brown hair and a light skin tone with blue almost green eyes. He of us all is the only one with a social life. He doesn't like being told what to do instead prefers to be considered a 'rebel' but everyone knows that label doesn't go with him.

"Hey Emily, are you listening?"
I twirl my head around only to meat eyes with Brooklyn and Isaac.

"Erm...yeah" I say and give them a guilty smile while looking down at my half eaten pizza.

"Emily you're such a bad liar Isaac and I both know you weren't listening" accuses Brook her eyes wide in disaproval and she shakes her head while taking another bite from her food.

Isaac mutters something under his breath not loud enough for me to hear.

"I'm sorry guys what were ya'll talking about?" I ask trying to move past my lack of interest in their conversation.

"We were talking about the MKC and how we both agree you should join"

The Mathematical Knowledge Competition also know as the MKC, is a program hosted by our college to help the students work on their math skills. Every year the top three students in the competition go against students from other colleges and the winner gets a trophy and 1,000 dollars for books or other college fees they might need. Now the competition sounds pretty good but it takes up a lot of precious time that could be used in studying or bringing up my already amazing grades.

"Brook we have discussed this already, I am not joining the stupid competition" I stand from my seat and make my way to the trash can and dispose of my half eaten pizza and empty soda bottle.

Brooklyn and Isaac watch my every step toward the trash can like two hungry owls waiting for their pray to pass by.

"But why not? You LOVE math"
She has a point, math is one of my strongest subjects and even though it's complicated for some people it is absolutely simple to me.

"That doesn't mean I want to waste my time solving equations and finding the value of variables all day infront of a chalkboard" I argue back feeling my anger heat up inside of me. Isaac seems to sense my anger too because he steps in and takes my side of the argument.

"Just drop the subject Brook we'll convince her at some point"
Brooklyn immediately glares at Isaac which only causes him to give her a cheeky smirk.

"Except for the fact all entry forms are due next Monday"

"I'm not entering the competition" I repeat while making my way to the car with Brook and Isaac following shortly behind.

"Where is my shortie?" I hesitantly roll my eyes at Jayden and bring my best friend in for one of his warm hugs.

"Shut up Jay, I'm only a foot shorter than you"

"A foot is a lot if you think about it" he counter attacks and ruffles my hair with his huge hand.

"Well its not my fault you're a 6'2 giant"

"And it's not my fault you're a 5'1 troll" I feel my face turn red at the discussion of my height, something I have always struggled with.

"Jay, it isn't easy being 5'1 there is a whole world up there I can't even see" I point up toward the ceiling and playfully punch Jay on the shoulder.

"Yeah yeah whatever, so anyway how does it feel being four weeks into college?" he asks while switching his back pack from one shoulder to the other.

"It feels like I'm in a hell full of populars" That is the only way I can put the feeling. Every body besides Isaac, Brooklyn, Leah, Jayden and I, belongs to a certain group. There are the jocks, the pretty ones, the dramatic ones and many others I cant put my finger on.

"I have no Idea what that means but I do know its time to head back to our dorms"

Both Jayden and I are dorm neighboors but unlike me Jayden has a roomate. Sucks for him because his roomate is one of the 'I think I'm popular but everyone secretly hates me' group.

Her name is Brianna and she is an arrogant sassy bitch. Excuse my language but there is no other way to describe that asshole. She thinks she's better than everyone  and her popularity has done something to her head because her grades are barely B's.

But  now it's time for me to enjoy a walk toward my dorm.......and no roomate.

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