Rumors Spread Like Wild.....Turkeys

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Chapter 3: Rumors spread like wild.....turkeys

Jay left around three in the morning last night. He didn't want to leave but I kicked him out anyway, he was pretty pissed about it. Brooklyn is suppose to spend the day with me today and I just hope she doesn't bring up anything about the MKC.

The only reason she wants me to join is because she is interested but doesn't want to do it alone. The MKC has gone down hill since the best person on the team graduated last year, her name was Ashley. She was your typical girl, went to parties, kept her grades up and tried to have a social life. Nobody would have expected her to join the MKC but I guess it was because of the extra credit they were offering.

Ashley is also Brooklyn's cousin and I secretly believe she has brainwashed Brooklyn into joining the MKC.

It is now 2:34 in the afternoon and I am patiently waiting for Brooklyn at the corner library. She was acting strange this morning when I called her.

She sounded worried and you could tell she was scared.

"EMILY OH MY GOD, EMILY!" I hear Brooklyn's voice echo through the library walls and I immediately stand and start searching for her tall figure. Sure enough she is sprinting toward me, arms outstretched and a worried look on her face.

Brooklyn doesn't slow down as she aproaches me causing her body to collide against mine, we both go tumbling to the ground and a loud scream escapes my lips.

The impact is immediate, all muscles on the back ache and I groan through the temporary pain.

I yell as she rolls off my body and stretches her hand out to help me from the ground. I give her a glare before taking it and making sure she knows I'm angry.

"Ladies you're going to have to keep it down if you want to stay"

I shyly turn toward the skinny old lady standing a few feet away from us and give her a weak smile.

"Sorry" Brooklyn whispers behind me as she tries to finger comb her beautiful hair.

The skinny lady starts to walk away, her footsteps short and slow paddling against the floor boards.

"Brooklyn what the fuck was that for?" I question while giving her a further glare.

"I have to tell you something!" She shreeks taking a seat on the nearest squared table. I mimic
her actions, sitting across from her and waiting for an explination.

"What do you want?" I ask curiosity quickly taking over my anger.

"Okay so, I was walking around the hallways yesterday after school looking for you.." Brooklyn looked at me with bright eyes and started talking faster every second.

"....I walked by Mr. Rodger's class and I overheard him talking to the principal" My eyes widened in surprise as I realized Brooklyn had eavesdropped on the principals conversation.

"BROOKLYN!! Can't you be away from gossip for atleast a day?" I asked as she gave me an 'are you kidding me?' look.

"No, but listen to me Emily im trying to give you a heads-up"

"What do you mean?"

"Well Mr. Rodger's was talking about how he couldn't allow a new student into his class, he said it was too risky and he would need help and a tutor to help him catch up.."

"WAIT! did you say him? as in a boy?"

"Yes I said him as in a boy, now stop interrupting me and listen. Mr. Rodger said that he might concider you being his tutor"

She looked at me expecting a reply. I didn't know what to say, my mouth was completely dry and I was searching my brain for words. A new student. I repeated the words, waiting for them to register in my head. I had to be the tutor I thought while running a hand through my hair.

"But thats not all..." She continued and scanned the library for nearby people.

"...he's entering tomorrow and since he needs a dorm and you're the only one in the campus without a roomate.."

She trailed off and started playing with her nails. The tension building between us was inexplicable. It took me a while to digest all the information she had just given me.

I am going to have a roomate, not only that but my roomate is going to be a GUY.

"Shocking right?" she questioned walking around the table to rub my back comforting me.

"Yeah" I said, my voice barely above a whisper and cracking at the end of the word. It could be just a rumor after all rumors spread like wild turkeys. Wait....Not turkeys, fire.

"You might want to go clean your dorm" she informed and I immediately gave her a silent nod and started heading out the library amd back into the campus.

My legs were giving up beneath me as I entered the doors to my room. I could barely walk and was still in shock, trying to compose myself.

I lock the door behind me and start putting my things down on my bed. From there on everything went in slow motion. My head was buzzing and all I could  think about was if the new guy and I would get along.


"Jayden I need to talk to you" I spoke through the phone while trying to clean up my dorm.

My dorm wasn't messy but it wasn't in the greatest shape either. Most of my things were accumulated on a chair at the dark corner beside my bed.

"Why?" he asked, and I could sense him getting worried on the other end of the line.

"Just come over I need your help"

I pleaded and heard him take in a sharp breath before hanging up the phone. I rolled my eyes at his rude behavior and continued to clean the dorm.

I originally called Jay over so he could help me move some bags onto the top shelves of the closet, but now I have some questions to ask him.

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