Chapter 1 - A new seeker is hunted

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I was just doing my daily routine. Nick and run. This time I went big. I had stolen an important book and was being chased by organisation suits. I thought they were cops at the time. "Hand over the book." I shook my head and ran through the streets of Venice, Italy. Suddenly I was surrounded. I wasn't scared of them. "Catch her, Redcap." 2 of the surrounding suits called upon. "Block her, Mindrone." The other surrounding suits called. Now I had 4 titans and 4 people on me. Give in? No of course not. I would have given into the world 8 years ago if I gave in. But I changed my fate and I was gonna do it again. "Fight for your lady, Kilthane." I held up the amulet around my neck. That made 2 against 8. While the titans were distracted on mine, I began my run. "Ray pulse!" I cried charging at one of the suits. Kilthane had taken care of their titans and now had my back. I sprinted round the corner. Kilthane returned to me.

I was safe from those group of suits. I saw two teens walking the streets, both with amulets too. They saw I was being chased by suits. "Come out Freelancer!" The male cried. He had blond hair and blue eyes. "Help out, Sabriel." The girl cried. She had strawberry blond hair and green eyes. Their two titans charged towards the other titans. I felt like my titan had to help. "Ray pulse." I called behind me shooting jets of making behind me and I ran. I pulled my amulet from around my neck it to my hand. I was about to call it when a suit shouted "Ray pulse." It hit my wrist and I dropped my amulet. It sank to the bottom of the canal. I couldn't loose the only person I trusted and trusted me back. I thrust the bag into the boy's hands and dived into the water. The girl was fighting of the suits.

I saw Kilthane's amulet sinking. I kicked and pulled faster under the water. I grabbed my amulet before swimming back up. I gasped for air as soon as possible. I snached the bag and began to sprint across the bridge away from the teens. "Hyper stride!" They caught up to me. "Stop." The girl commanded. "I'm Sophie this is Lok and we just saved you. Why are you running away?" She asked. Lok nodded to show he agreed. "I didn't need your help. I'm a thief I can run."

"What about your bag?" Lok questioned, "They would have taken it."

"I would have taken it with me." They grabbed me and dragged me to Dante Vale. I struggled. He invited us in. I sat on the sofa Unwillingly. His room was neat everything tidy. He had multiple book cases all filled with books. "What do you two, I mean 3 want?" Dante asked sitting at his desk on a black leather chair. He rocked on it slightly as he turned to look at them. "Sophie, Lok, who is this?" They exchanged looks of confusion. "Well. This is..." Sophie started to say. She looked at me for guidance. I rolled my eyes and offered out my hand  before saying, "Jessica, my name is Jessica." Dante looked from the sports bag to my amulet and smiled. He shook his head. "Are you with the cops?" I asked hurriedly incase I was gonna get in trouble. "You must be the thief everyone is talking about, the one with scary monsters to get away and the one who can make light from their. Do you want to pull down your bandana?" Dante said some parts very sarcastically. I shook my head and turned my back. "Didn't want it have to be like this, I've got to see who you really are." He turned out the lights. I stepped silently towards the door. "It's not that easy." Dante said, and blocked the door. I rolled my eyes and glared at him. "Ray pulse!" I yelled and hit Dante. He smiled. Lok and Sophie pulled me down and threw me down. "Bolt flare!" I cried making light spread across the room.

I pushed out of their grip and head outside. A surrounding area of suits seemed to have me trapped. "Great..." I muttered. I saw the others glaring at me. "Come on!" Dante shouted. He led us upstairs to the roof. "Come." He said as he grasped me and jumped across the rooftops. I elbowed him. "Let me a fight dumby!" I jumped down into a hord leaving my bag with him. "Don't look in it." I cried. Dante, Sophie and Lok were shaking their heads. "Ah.... I see I finally get to meet you. Now you must have those special things you stole so hand them over." A voice coldly growled. I smirked. "I guess you got me." I said raising my hands slightly. A grin was pulled upon his face like a kid pulling bluetac. "I knew you wouldn't trust someone who you'd never met before with your things." He stepped towards me. "Redcap, Mindrone get her!" He shouted. I was amused by this guy's attempts to get me. "Fight for your lady, Kilthane!" Now that makes to against alot. I thought. "Do you think she needs help?" Lok asked. Dante shook his head. "This will prove her." He muttered. "Touchram." A suit shouted. I dodged it. "Now, now don't break her. She could be useful." That same man said. "Ray pulse!" I aimed at the suits one by one using this. Kilthane had just sliced through the last titan and now turned back to me. "Grab her!" The man shouted. I stood there as the suits grabbed me, "Is she in trouble now?" Lok asked impatiently. Answering slightly angry, "I don't know wait." Dante smiled. Kilthane turned around to protect me.

She raised the blade most of the suits ran. However, the ones that did remain were all taken out by 3 powerful slashes. I shook of the bodies and tried a new power I had read about in that few seconds of looking in the book. "Hyper stride!" I shouted. My feet were engulfed in a blue magic and I jumped in between the building and made it up to Dante. "Let's get going." he said.

I arrived there with the others. "Do you want to join us?" Dante asked, "These two are now in training." I rolled my eyes and shook my head, I then sighed, "Really don't have a choice do I?" Dante grinned at what I had said. "No." Lok and Sophie said in unison. Dante laughed a little. "I will join you but only cause you may need my help. Can I have my bag?" Dante nodded. Lok threw me my bag. "Yeah, yeah." Sophie laughed, " Your thefts could come in handy." I raised my fist. "Come at me, Casterwell." I shouted.

I followed her into a room. She aimed a punch at me and I dodged it. "I'll help you train." We both said like an argument. I smashed my fist in my hand. "Ray pulse!" She yelled. I dodged it. I ran up to her I attempted to kick her as she pounced into the air. I charged up after her and sunk my fist into her stomach. She fell to the floor into Lok's arms. "Well done... thief. I see why you are one......" She weakly said. "Ever fight!" recovering entirely. "I won't loose. Esspecially to you!" We 'danced' around the room until, "Ray pulse! Attack, Sabriel!" I dodged the attack but was confronted by Sabriel. "I call for your help, Ymir!" I thought he was gonna break a hole in the celling. "Attack!" I cried. He swung his fist at Sabriel. It was a 1 shot KO. He was about to crush Sophie. "Honour guard!" She put up a shield. First he crushed the 'flimsy' shield before preparing for the almighty blow. I tried to return him, no use.

I tackled her out the way receiving the blow myself. "Return, Ymir." I managed to stutter. I became unconscious.

Lok's POV
I stood there in front of the two girls. "Dante!" I cried. I knelt down beside Sophie. Tears ran down my face. Dante ran into the room staring at me, then Sophie then at the other girl who's name I never got. He stood unsure on what to do. She wiped her face from my tears. I stopped crying, as she opened an eye. "What... what happened? How am I still alive?" I was so relieved. A smile pulled across my face. "Sophie, you could have died." I told her. Dante ws curious. "Sophie what happened?" He asked.

" Well you saw me and uh... her... had a fight. Unfortunately, she summoned a powerful titan called Ymir. Unable to stop her titan attacking me I put up up a shield. She tried to return her titan but wasn't able to return it. After it broke my shield i screwed up my eyes knowing I would die. But something happened" Sophie answered. I had to say something. "Then unable to stop her titan she jumped in front of Sophie, pushing her out the way. She slammed against the wall and managed to return the titan. Then she went unconscious." I finished. Dante stared at her. "I managed to find out her name. It's Jess."

"What do we do about her?"

"Wait... I say we wait!"

A few hours later

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