Supply Run

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"This is the Imperial Provider class ship Bosporus , identify yourselves , or we will be obliged to make our guns go hot." Announced a young Imperial voice in the Communications channel.

"Alright. We went over this. Now just do it. No hesitation. C'mon buddy." Said a Rebel Captain by the name of Toq , whilst tapping Arel's shoulder.

The young rebel fleet trooper took a deep breath , and reopened the communications back to the Cargo ship.
"This is the IT-2 Interplanetary Transport Humility. We ran out of juice a day or so ago. We request help , please. We have whole families that are on this transport. If you do not help us , you'll have the blood of a few hundred Imperial tax-paying citizens on your hands !"
Silence soon fell. The young Officer at the comm kept hesitating. "This could be a trap. Or there could actually be Imperial lives at stake..." He pondered to himself.
Finally , the silence was shattered.
"Alright Humility. You have the permission to board our transport and borrow us some fuel. Anything for Imperial lives."
As soon as the Officer finished , the Rebels ran to the docking bay , awaiting the Imperials' entry into the ship.
"Alright. Load your weapons , this could be a trap." Said the Stormtrooper Captain as the door opened.
Suddenly , the eight Imperial men were ambushed by the ten Rebels. Turning into a melee fight , the two sides began fighting well. The Stormtroopers , using their trademark fighting technique of Teras Kasi , fared well at first , but soon were overcome by the Rebels' superior numbers.
"Alright men. Strip them of their armor , then kill 'em. We can't risk it."
Coldly said Toq. As the Rebel Troopers finished putting on armor , the only alien Rebel Trooper , was put in the cuffs , along with Toq. The Rebels quickly donned the Troopers' armors , and then shot the incapacitated bodies of the Imperials. "Alright men. We'll have one shot at this , don't blow our cover." The Rebels quickly advanced into the Bosporus , with one of then complaining about "Not being able to see out of the helmet.". Toq quickly explained that it was an Imperial safety measure , and that after the helmet of a Stormtrooper was removed , it had to be reactivated with a code to work. The Docking Ramp closed , and shrunk back to the Bosporus as the Rebels quickly went deeper into the bowels of the ship , heading straight to the bridge.
Soon enough , they had reached their objective. They entered the bridge , and soon they opened fire. The Communications officers were mowed down , the Operating Officers were easily shot down , the Navy Commander was killed in an abrupt shot to the head , and the remaining Stormtroopers were killed , but not before they could protect their Commanding Officers and kill four out of the ten Rebels. Only Garrosh , the Commanding Officer of the Cruiser , and the person that had spoken to them through the Comms. Toq went ahead of the Rebel group , and pointed a DH-17 right at the Imperial's right cheek.
"You're coming with us." Said Toq.
"Close the door hermetically , and then depressurize the ship. No Imperials except Garrosh here must survive." Barked Toq to his subordinates. As soon as the order came out of his mouth , the Troops were on it. They began shutting the door , and others worked on depressurizing the whole ship.
"No ! Stop that ! By the Emperor , no ! They're innocent ! Please ! No !" Cried out Garrosh.
"We are the Liberators. We do NOT , I repeat , NOT , take prisoners , except in few occasions. Consider yourself lucky to not have been killed with your other Imp squadmates. Now shut up." Said Toq emphasizing the "shut up" part.
"Use the cannons to destroy the transport. They can't find out who we are and what happened here." Quickly enough , the Transport was lit up by three blaster cannons , quickly tearing through its shielding and exploding it.
"Calculate the Hyperspace jump. We're getting out of here. Now." Soon enough , the Cargo Transport was nowhere to be seen , having escaped to the blue vastness of Hyperspace.

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