Chapter 1

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I looked at my reflection, the girl who stared back at me was not me, only my disguise. My wavy blonde hair had transformed to straight brown hair, my green eyes were now brown. Only my eyes, hair and voice had changed yet I looked completely different. Who knew such a small rectangular machine could do this? Even after being in the Spy Corporation for a year, I still wasn't used to my disguise.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts, and headed inside for training. In the past year, I have stopped robberies, kidnapping and serial killers. The Spy Corporation were like the police, except more advanced and more secretive.

"Rose, your needed at floor two." Cherry, my boss, said through my watch. We all had code names here, mine was Rose but my real name is Eloisa. Cherry was my boss' code name.

"Coming." I said back, walking down to the elevator, wondering what Cherry needed me for.

I walked into Cherry's office, which had a wood desk and black chair. Behind the desk was a huge window. No pictures were on the white wall, or else they would give away her identity. There was a boy standing in the corner of the room, someone I had never seen before. He had straight blonde hair and bright green topped off with sneakers and casual clothing.

"Rose, this is Blaze, your new partner. He will be helping you on missions." Cherry gestured to the boy. Blaze walked up to me and stuck out his hand. I realized he looked about seventeen years old, like me.

"Pleasure to meet you." Blaze said, grinning.

"You too." I replied, reaching out to shake his hand. Something about his grin seemed familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Since Blaze is new here, would you mind giving him a tour?" Cherry asked with a smile, returning to her desk. It wasn't a question. I turned towards Blaze.

"Alright then, I'm guessing you already know where your office is?" I questioned.

"Yep, it's on the first floor, room twenty two I think." Blaze said. My eyes widened the tiniest bit.

"Oh." was all I said, he was right next to my office. We headed out into the main room, towards the training area.

"Here is the training area, for us we come here every Monday and Thursday." I showed Blaze the room with glass windows running all around it. There were targets, dummies, survival trainings and hand-to-hand combats in the room and about five people currently inside. I smiled when I noticed how Blaze's eyes widened as he took everything in. I then moved on to showing him the rest of the place. By the time we were finished, it was time for me to head back.


I woke up with a start to my alarm clock beeping, it was only Tuesday. With a grumble, I turned the alarm clock off. By the time I got downstairs, my two siblings, Evie, who was fifteen and Jasper, who was twelve, were already having breakfast. Our whole family looked more or less alike, we all had blonde hair, except my dad's, whose hair had turned black over the years and we all had blue eyes-that was except for me, I had green eyes. I grabbed some Cheerios and dumped them into a bowl with milk. In my family, my mum and I were the only ones in the Spy Corporation, no one else was interested in joining.

My father yelled 'goodbye' from his BMW while the rest of us stifled yawns. My mother quickly kissed my dad on the cheek before he left. We all finished our breakfast and then went to our rooms to finish getting ready. My room had tan walls with pictures of my friends and I hanging up and a queen sized bed in the middle, with drawers on both sides and a desk in the corner. I got ready quickly so I wouldn't be late for school. I was just putting my converse on when I heard Evie yell.

"Eloisa! Time to go!" She bellowed. Since Evie and I went to the same school, I drove her.

"Coming!" I yelled back, grabbing my back pack and jumping in the car. Jasper was waiting outside, talking to his friends while waiting for the school bus. When I hoped in the car, Evie was wearing more makeup then me and she was only fifteen. But then again, she was Evie.

Ten minutes later, I parked in the parking lot and stared at the daunting building looming over me- school. 

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