Chapter 15

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I woke up to the sun coming through the curtains. I rolled over with a groan and checked the time on my phone. It was ten in the morning, that was the one of the latest times I had ever slept in. I checked my notifications and saw twenty missed calls from Lucy and a ton of text messages. First I tried calling my mothers phone-straight to voice mail. Then I called my fathers phone-straight to voicemail. Lastly I called Evie's phone, hoping against hope that she would answer. I had no such luck-straight to voicemail. I texted Blake as well, asking if he was alright. Next, I called Lucy, she answered right away.

"Eloisa! What the heck is going on? I saw your house, it's almost completely gone!" Lucy started rambling.

"Lucy, Lucy, I'll all right. My house got burnt down by My family and I have to be relocated temporarily but it's alright now." I assured her.

"Oh my gosh are you-" she started. I heard a voice in the distance, I think it was our teacher. "Lucy, put your phone away!" The teacher shouted.

"Sorry, got to go, call me later." Lucy said, then hung up. I laughed quietly, then got up to get ready and put my disguise back on which had charged during the night.

I started walking downstairs right as Blaze walked out of his room, still looking partially asleep.

"Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine!" I laughed. Blaze just glared at me but his eyes were smiling which just made me laugh harder. I smelt something cooking and sniffed the air, my mouth watering.

"Pancakes!" Blaze and I said at the same time which made us start laughing again.

"Just in time!" Vanilla Gold said happily, flipping a pancake. Blaze and I thanked her than sat down to eat the chocolate chip pancakes. The pancakes were amazing to say the least, Vanilla Gold explained how her neighbors had given her fresh wheat to use for the pancakes.

"Alright! I have a huge plan for us today!" Vanilla Gold smiled. "First I'll give you guys a tour of my house, then we will go to a shooting spot and use my rifles, afterwards we can use my speed boat on the lake!" I couldn't help but laugh at Vanilla Gold's enthusiasm.

"That's so sweet of you to organize all of this, you didn't have to," I said, grinning.

"Well it's not everyday I get to see you." Vanilla Gold said, coming over to give me a huge hug.


Vanilla Gold gave us a tour of the place, explaining how the cows moved from pasture to pasture along with the seasons and how their income always depended on the demand for beef. We all walked over to Vanilla Gold's truck.
 "Can I sit in the back?" Blaze questioned excitedly.

"Oh, me too!" I added. Vanilla Gold laughed.

"Of course you can." she smiled. Bouncing around like little kids, Blaze and I hoped in the back of the truck and sat down on the bumpy floor, opposite each other, while Vanilla Gold hopped into the drivers seat and started the engine. I held onto the glass bottles we were going to be using so they wouldn't break.

"I bet you I can stand up longer then you can." Blaze challenged with a smirk.

"Challenge accepted." I laughed, standing up. Thank goodness they weren't much police man in the country. I wasn't even standing for a minute when we hit a bump and I lost my balance, falling on top of Blaze, who luckily caught me. I found myself staring straight into his eyes and for a moment that was all I could see, until his voice brought me back to reality.

"I guess I win," Blaze said with a wink. I rolled my eyes and playfully pushed him, sitting back down. "Rose, we haven't really had a chance to talk about what happened with Cherry. What do we do now?" Blaze questioned seriously, changing the subject.

"Well," I started, thinking, "when we were at the Universal Spy Headquarters, the leader said that they were the good guys and we had been tricked, that Cherry was actually a bad guy."

"And if Cherry did turn out to be a bad guy, maybe the Universal Spies are the good guys?" Blaze finished for me.

"Exactly, so we just have to contact them somehow, then they can figure out what to do," I added.

"Perfect," Blaze said with a grin. Just then, the engine stopped. We had parked in a large open space.

"Hey you two, we're here!" Vanilla Gold said excitedly.

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