Volume 1: Chapter 13: Serving From Love

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"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." Mark 10:45

In his New Testament writings, Paul often refers to himself as a bondservant or the bondservant of the Lord. The term "bondservant" is very unusual for us today but in the first century, it was understood what Paul meant when he said it.

The Lord gives us a wonderful word-picture and description of a bond-servant in Exodus and Deuteronomy. In these two scriptures, God is speaking to the children of Israel through Moses. They are being led by God in the wilderness and God is instructing them so they may live a life that is pleasing to Him and that sets them apart from the other nations around them. God is leading and instructing them as a father would instruct and discipline his children – in how He and His Kingdom function, how they are to live as "a people for His own possession" compared to the other peoples around them, and how they are to live and act toward one another as His chosen people.

As God speaks to them, He instructs them, specifically, regarding the treatment of servants – especially those who are of the children of Israel and who owe a sizeable debt to one of their Hebrew brethren. When this situation occurred, the debtor was to serve the lender until he had labored enough to repay the entire debt. Yet, God put a provision in place which states that after a period of seven years, if the debtor was still serving the lender to repay his debt, the lender (or master) was to forgive the remainder of the debt owed by the debtor (servant) and set the servant free – regardless of how much he still owed. This instruction was given in order to build into the master, the God-like character qualities of mercy, grace and justice – reinforcing the truth that mercy triumphs over judgment. God also put a provision into place intended to build into His people another God-like character quality which provides for one to freely serve another, of his own accord – even if he is free and there is no debt of service to be repaid.

When the master sets his servant free after the seven years is completed, the servant may choose to continue serving his master because of his love for him and his house. Even though the servant is free to go, he freely chooses to remain with his master because of the heart-bond of love and gratitude he has developed toward his master. In his heart, he no longer considers it a burden to serve his master but considers it a joy and privilege to serve him. He is no longer simply a slave but is now a bond-servant to his master – having developed a heart-bond with his master; choosing to serve his master from a heart of love and gratitude rather than out of duty or fear.

When the servant declares this love and devotion for his master by choosing to serve his master for the rest of his life, the master takes his servant to the doorway of the house. The master then takes an awl and pierces the ear of his bond-servant – forever marking him as his bond-servant. From this time forward, when the bond-servant goes out in public, everyone who sees the mark in his ear knows that this servant loves his master and has chosen to freely serve his master and the master's family. He is no longer serving out of bondage - he is serving out of freedom with a heart of love, gratitude and devotion.

The servant's life and service is no longer focused on himself and his ability to get out of debt so he can pursue his own self-interests and plans. He has forever chosen to surrender his own self-interests and plans in order to dedicate himself to his master. He does not second-guess or regret his decision because he has come to know and love the nature and character of his master, and knows that he can place his trust and devotion in him. He knows that he will be loved, valued and cared for by his master. It is no longer about himself. It is all about his master. In all that the bond-servant does and says in serving and representing his master, his objective is to ensure that his activities enhance the credibility and reputation of His master's name.

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