Chapter 3

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      Jewel's glimmering wings pounded up and down, ruffling my hair and sending leaves swirling. I wrapped my arms around her velvety neck, her mane soft against my fingers. Then Jewel neighed with delight and launched herself into the air. I screamed as I saw our little backyard falling behind us, the figure of my mother as she  called my name becoming smaller and smaller. Jewel ascended until the usual San Francisco fog surrounded us, my house and backyard disappearing in the white haze. Then Jewel stopped.  The only sound where Jewel's beating wings churning the mist around us. The fog surrounded us in a blanket of white, so thick I couldn't see the a foot ahead of me.

        Then I laughed. This was amazing! Two days ago I couldn't have imagined this, although I would have gladly done anything for it to happen sooner. My life was so dull even something as simple as a birthday party would excite me. Of course I hadn't been to one in ages, ever since we moved here from Tahoe. Now my days consisted of waking up at 6:30 am, going to school, having lunch in the library, coming home, doing homework, fighting with my sister and then going to bed. I sighed. I would give anything to go back to Tahoe, with its sparkling snow covered mountains in the winter and bustling beaches in the summer.

      Are you alright? Jewel's soft voice filled my head, giving me a sense of comfort. Yeah. Just a little homesick. I answered. So, where are we going? I grinned, pushing any thoughts of school and moving to the back of my mind. Won't you're dam and sire be worried? Jewel asked. I chuckled. I didn't know you knew that language Jewel!  I teased, still laughing. Jewel started to explain, confusion showing in her expression and I cut in. Don't worry, I know what you mean. I'll just have to explain it to them later. I wouldn't miss this for the world!
        Jewel nickered and flapped her wings, sending us higher into the clouds. The fog whirled around us, misting my clothes and hair with droplets of water. One fell off the tip of my nose, landing on Jewels damp fur. I breathed in, adrenaline sending tingles down my fingertips. Or maybe it was just the cold.

     Then the fog got lighter, until all that was left where a few wisps. The setting sun shone over the fog. Rays of light warmed face, giving everything a golden tinge. The fog hung below us, a white blanket stretching as far as the eye could see. The bright blue of the sky flashed above us, untouched by clouds. Jewel's  wings flashed, her fur gleaming in the sun. A trace of red at the edge of my vision caught my eye. I turned and sucked in a breath. The top of the Golden Gate Bridge pierced through the fog, its bright red paint glistening in the sun. This was stunning! I felt like I had stepped into one of those perfect pictures you only saw in postcards.

Where should we go? An idea popped into my mind. Let's head to the Academy of Sciences. Maybe we can learn more about how you were created. I felt Jewel stiffen under me. Created! I wasn't created. I have a sire and dam!! Jewel's voice screeched in my head and a feeling of acrimony suffused my thoughts. It roiled in my gut, causing me to clench my fists and refrain from punching Jewel. Of course. Now she could somehow project her feelings on to me! How had science done all of this? I turned my thought back to Jewel. She whinnied fiercely and threw her head back and almost threw me off in the process. Ok. Calm down. I soothed her. At the same time I tried sending a feeling of calm and peace. Slowly Jewel calmed down.

Ok. Good. I patted Jewel on the neck. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. But if we went I'm sure we could find out more about you're parents. I felt a little guilt for lying to Jewel but if I didn't she would probably go into a rampage from the way she had been acting. Jewel bobbed her head and flew down. She stopped just above the blanket of the fog. Smart. We would be spotted if we descended any more. Then she turned right and and started flying towards the Academy.

A few moments later we were hovering above the museum, hidden behind the veil of fog. Jewel circled lower, until we were a few feet above the grass roof that the Academy had made in hopes of attracting more visitors. It was about 8:30pm and the building was silent. The dark windows and waning light gave the structure a foreboding appearance. A feeling of premonition settled in me and I shivered. Goosebumps appeared on my arms and I looked uncertainly at Jewel. She looked back at me and a wave of calm washed over my mind. I relaxed my muscles and drew in a shaky breath. Then I nodded at Jewel gratefully. She flew lower making almost no sound and landed in front of the museum. The cameras would be going but the guards would(hopefully)be asleep. Once I was was inside I would have to find a way to disable the cameras, they would be everywhere. I climbed off Jewel and walked up to the doors. I stood there for a second, looking into the silent building. The moment I opened the doors the alarm would sound.

"Hey over here!"

I whirled around. The whisper came from behind a door labeled "Employees Only" that I had missed. It was to the right of the main door and a lot smaller. I was surprised I had missed it. I approached the door, Jewel snorting behind me. Be careful. I will. The door was open a crack and a pair of eyes gleamed from the darkness.

"Who's there?", I asked in a wary voice.

"Someone who wants to help you," the person answered. From their tone I could tell it was a girl. She seemed to be about my age. I approached the door and put my hand on the knob. As soon as I turned it the alarms went of, just as Jewel's frenzied whinny pierced the air.


Hey guys. Sorry for such a long wait!! I got a case of writers block. Anyway, hope you liked the chapter!😁

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2017 ⏰

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