Chapter Five

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Kaiden, oh Kaiden. Where are thou Kaiden?


One word to describe how I was feeling. FREEZING! Not cold or shivers. Ice-cold-freezing-balls kind of freezing. I changed back into my human shape and I was butt-ass naked.

Why did I get involved? Oh that's right. I'm nosy. I'm a softy. I am also the future Alpha. What kind of Alpha would I be if I abandoned innocent child? I wonder if they know I'm gone yet. I wonder if they even noticed, if they sent out a patrol?


"Oh no..." the girl cried, coughing up water. "Their in the water! There in the water!" Their tougher than I thought. Usually wolves don't like water. At least the temperature will slow them down a little. Hopefully. "Do something... swim faster, please!" She whimpered, clinging onto me so tight. "Their gaining on us!"

"Hush!" I said. "I got this."

She didn't speak after that. Thank our ancestors. I was almost to the other side. If only I could alert my pack.

That's it! I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of that. My mind link.

'Kaiden!' I said. 'If you can hear me, I need help. Kaiden, please! I'm in trouble. Were at the lake.'

No response. I growled in frustration. I'll try again.

'Kaiden... Pleas-'

Something grabbed my ankle making me shout in surprise as we submerged under the water.


Kaiden's P.O.V

I was in the middle of kicking Ronnie's ass at X-Box, when I got this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I tried and pushed it away. But it just came back. I felt cold all over. Freezing cold. What the hell was happening to me? Panic. I felt an overwhelming sense of panic and fear. Fear? Fear of what? I was beyond confused.

'Kaiden.' A voice in my head sounded. It was so faint, hardly recognizable to others, but not me. 'If you can hear me, I need help. Kaiden, please! I'm in trouble. Were at the lake.'

There it was again.

'Kaiden.' It said again. More urgent. 'Pleas-'

The sound was cut off. It was Lane. I shot up from my seat and stumbled over Ronnie. I threw open the door with Ronnie yelling after me.

"What's wrong?" she asked, worried.

"Lane's in trouble." I yelled, stripping off my shirt. Unbuttoning my jeans while running. As soon as they were off I shifted.

'Hold on, Lane.' I whispered. 'I'm coming.'


Lane's POV

I couldn't breathe. Water enveloped my lungs, as I was being dragged further under the water, with the little girl still clinging to my back. I kicked my legs out. My arms flailing out towards my captivator. Finally my fist met something as I was suddenly released. I broke the surface. I swam towards the edge and pushed her up. "Go!" I said, shivering. "Find some help. Get far away from here as you can."

"Wait!" she cried, grabbing my wrist. "What are you doing?"

"Lane." I replied, shivering. "Tell them I'm Lane. Go!"

"Liliann." then she was off.

I pushed myself out of the water and went to change back into my wolf form, before a force knocked itself into my body and we both flew backwards into the water again. I slashed at my attacker, trying to yell out only to have my mouth filled with water. I gasped for air as my head hit the top until something sharp pierced my skin. I screamed. Water filled my mouth again. Along with a copper taste. I threw my arms out trying to hit something or someone. It was so dark, I couldn't really see anything.


Kaiden's P.O.V

I smelt a funny scent in the air. A wolf. Not recognizable. Soon I saw a figure leaping out through a under branch.

It was a girl. Young.

She reeked of Lane. My wolf instinct popped in. I growled and before she had a chance I changed and jumped on her.

She screamed. "I need help." she cried. "The man. Lane. He's still back there. He said to get help."

Lane? How did she know him? Something pained me from deep inside. Fear? Despair? I slowly, but warily got off her.

"Where is he?" I snarled.

"The lake." she yelped, putting as much distance between us as she can.

I turned back around and started running. Faster than I could imagine. What was this feeling? I didn't want him to get hurt. But he most likely is. It hurt's to know that he's hurt. Soon enough I was at the lake. I saw two body's in the water fighting. I smelled blood. I jumped from the side and into this freezing ass water.

"LANE!" I shouted.

He looked over at me a little disoriented. "Kaiden?"

"Wait watch out!" I yelled. He quickly spun around and punched the other boy in the side of the head. Then he started swimming towards me. I met him half way. I grabbed him and pulled him after me.

"You wont win!" the other guy screamed. "We will destroy all of you. He is MINE!"

"Leave now or be killed." I growled.

"I will be back." the boy yelled. "I'll get him" he pointed at Lane "one way or another." Then he disappeared under water.

I looked over at Lane. "Are you alright?"

"No..." He cried, clenching his side. "No I'm not okay. I'm so far from okay, but you're here now..." My heart wrenched.

"I got you." I said, still holding his hand. "Let's go home."

A blush appeared on his face. "I need clothes."

That's when I realized we were naked. "Oh." I said. "Well looks like were walking or changing." I couldn't stop myself as I suddenly pulled him towards me. Our body's only inches away.

"I know you're in a lot of pain, but I've been wanting to do this for a while and after a near death experience I think I can be granted this." I said, pulling our heads close together.

"Do what?" he asked, his breathe quickening, still shivering uncontrollably as he held his side.

I grabbed his face and smashed my lips to his.

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