Chapter 10

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I woke up in the emergency room. I gasped for breath. Someone walked up to me.

"Your awake. We will tell your family after we get everything situated. Do you feel like you can breath okay?"

I nod my head yes so they take the mask off.

"We have to take your blood pressure then send your family in."

I nod my head again. They take my blood pressure.

"We will be right back."

I nod again. I don't want to talk to anyone. My parents came in.


They run to me and hug me.

"You okay?"

I just look away.

"Jess talk to us."

I don't want to talk..

"Jess please talk."

"What's there to talk about?"

"The fact that you scared me to death!"

"You should've expected that.."

"No I should not. I should be able to let my daughter take a bath without her trying to kill herself."

"Feelings took over okay?"


I flinch and the nurse comes up to him.

"Don't yell at her it frazzles her. Out to the waiting room."

They leave and I finally speak to the nurse.

"I want to see them."


"Michael and Kyle. Both of them."


The nurse leaves and comes back with Michael and Kyle. She gives us privacy by leaving.

"How you doing," Kyle asks.

"Been better.."

He hugs me and Michael stays back.

"I'm sorry," I say quietly crying.

He grasps me in a hug.

"Don't be.. You shouldn't have all this stress on you.

Michael leaves. The nurse comes in.

"Okay Jessica we need to take your weight."

I nod my head and Kyle moves out of the way. The nurse helps me stand up and I almost collapse but Kyle catches me.

"Is she okay," he asks.

"Her nerves probably aren't fully woken up and recovered yet. That's all."

They weigh me.

"99. You lost a lot in less than a day. You need to eat."

"No. I don't want to."

"I'll be back with food."

Kyle helps me in bed and the nurse brings food and leaves. I push it away from me.

"You need to eat Jess."



"I don't wanna live anymore Kyle don't you see that?"

"Yes you do.."

"Give me one reason."

"Cause I'm here."

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